Home Owners Associations


New Member
I am so glad that I don't have to deal with HOAs. I hate them! I can't have people telling me what to do with my home. I think HOAs should be used to maintain the common areas; individual homes are off-limits.


New Member
I am so glad that I don't have to deal with HOAs. I hate them! I can't have people telling me what to do with my home. I think HOAs should be used to maintain the common areas; individual homes are off-limits.

For the most part I agree with that statement. HOA's shouldn't be able to tell me what I can and can't do in my yard behind the front line of the house. If people are getting nosy about what is going on back there, they need to mind their own business.

The front of my house should be able to be regulated if in an HOA. Now I'm not saying they can determine what color my siding should be or how I have to landscape. It's my home, I should be the determining factor when it comes to that. However, I like knowing that there are rules/regulations in effect that make it so I don't have to see neighboring yards with a car up on cinder blocks, broken appliances, etc. when I'm in my front yard.


I love Texas Road House
HOA's are just a waste of money. My HOA is about 50 per month. We get nothing for the money. Just a bunch of people who tell us what we cant do. My neighbor hood is all single family homes with no common grounds. I get nothing for my money.


New Member
I agree with not controlling what you do on your property (decks, plants etc) but I wish they would police it to the point where people keep their yards and houses clean! I hate driving and seeing crap piled up in yards and algae on the sidings. So maintenance is something that I think should be enforced imo


Main Streeter
HOA's are just a waste of money. My HOA is about 50 per month. We get nothing for the money. Just a bunch of people who tell us what we cant do. My neighbor hood is all single family homes with no common grounds. I get nothing for my money.

Who runs your HOA? More often than not, it's your nieghbors. In some cases, it might be the developer if the nieghborhood is not built out yet. Even then, state law says that once 75 percent of the nieghborhood is built or ten years (which ever os sooner) the develeper losses majority control of the HOA Board of Directors. So, if there's something one doesn not like about their HOA, they should run for a spot on the Board and make it better.


Salt Life
HOA's are just a waste of money. My HOA is about 50 per month. We get nothing for the money. Just a bunch of people who tell us what we cant do. My neighbor hood is all single family homes with no common grounds. I get nothing for my money.

Trash pickup? Snow removal? Lighting maintenance? There has to be something that's provided??


I love Texas Road House
Trash pickup? Snow removal? Lighting maintenance? There has to be something that's provided??

Nope. No trash pickup. I pay Waste management to do that. There are no Streetlights. The county does snow removal.

They claim their is some landscaping maintenance that has to be done but I can't figure out what it is.


I love Texas Road House
Who runs your HOA? More often than not, it's your nieghbors. In some cases, it might be the developer if the nieghborhood is not built out yet. Even then, state law says that once 75 percent of the nieghborhood is built or ten years (which ever os sooner) the develeper losses majority control of the HOA Board of Directors. So, if there's something one doesn not like about their HOA, they should run for a spot on the Board and make it better.

It is run by someone in the neighbor hood. The HOA was turned over by the developer about a year ago. I wish we didn't have an HOA, It just seems like a waste of money to me.


Chin Jiggla!
All of them probably, just make sure you keep a close eye on the associations monthly statements so you can see how money is being stolen from you and your neighbors.

Keep in mind that most HOA's are non profit and usually run by your neighbors (most of them get stuck with it). If someone is steeling money than you have a serious case.

I do believe most places are required by law to have an HOA (like Condo's, Townhouses, etc).


New Member
Bump, you put it out there and you don't respond, that spells :lalala:

Be a big brave dog and step up to the plate here.

Sorry been out of town, the problem is the association is run by people who don't care about the property owners wishes only their own, we have a special tax district which was initiated to repair our crumbling infrastructure including repairing and then turning over the private roads to the county so they would take care of them. The association has used the STD funds as they see fit without taking into consideration the property owners wants.
The association now states that it was never the intention to turn over the roads to the county. The original documents say otherwise, once we get rid of our roads we will no longer needs the STD or the association.


resident Spring Bunny
Should have learned the search feature before posting my own thread.

But I was asking about how much legal pull they have. I have a young woman who is being harrassed in one HOA and many friends who is sick of the HOA guy from laurel glen behind Kmart.

Teh HOA does really nothing. There is no trash pick up, the parking lot was not plowed during snow, there is no pool or gym. But they love to walk around like they are something. They have no clue people are laughing behind their backs. Now they even leave notes on peoples doors about the stupidest stuff.

I told them all to seek legal counsel if they are being harrassed over stupid stuff but was not sure if it was worth their time if they could just ignore them.

And yes, all have clean yards, clean homes and for what I have seen are quiet neighbors.