I already went off on one of my friends. I was looking for solace and received none.
I have a very strict routine for my 6th grader, and this is the first year I haven't checked his homework. Why? Because he asked me not to, and I didn't. You have to let them fly at one point, and he did...straight A's on his progress report.
My little guy kissed me goodnight at 8:00 (bedtime is 9:00) but he was tired.
The phone rang at 8:15 with a frantic mother wanting to know what the extra credit was for Algebra. I had no clue and told her I would wake my son up, and I did. He had the page numbers in his head and spouted them out.
I then heard him give the solutions to the mother.
Parents! If you are going to have children make sure they are either at the academic level they are in and that they do their homework before bedtime, or don't have them at all. If they are retarded, or you are, then accept it. TIA.
This was the first phone call from a parent, and I have a feeling it will be the last.
Boo Hoo!
I have a very strict routine for my 6th grader, and this is the first year I haven't checked his homework. Why? Because he asked me not to, and I didn't. You have to let them fly at one point, and he did...straight A's on his progress report.
My little guy kissed me goodnight at 8:00 (bedtime is 9:00) but he was tired.
The phone rang at 8:15 with a frantic mother wanting to know what the extra credit was for Algebra. I had no clue and told her I would wake my son up, and I did. He had the page numbers in his head and spouted them out.
I then heard him give the solutions to the mother.
Parents! If you are going to have children make sure they are either at the academic level they are in and that they do their homework before bedtime, or don't have them at all. If they are retarded, or you are, then accept it. TIA.
This was the first phone call from a parent, and I have a feeling it will be the last.
Boo Hoo!