Homosexuals allowed to raise children.....


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Aad and Ron Dissel de Boo tell the story of how they once went to a conference in the USA to talk of their experiences in raising children. Before the spoke, a woman came up to them and told them forthrightly that she didn't agree that homosexuals should be allowed to raise children, because it went against traditional family values.

And then they went on the podium and told their story. Later the same woman came to them in tears to apologise for what she had said earlier. "And then she wrote to us later," says Ron laughing in his booming bass. "She said that she had our photo on a notice board in her office with a sign underneath it that read ‘they opened my heart and my eyes.'"

Two fathers - Radio Netherlands Worldwide - English


"Aad and Ron Dissel de Boo tell the story of how they once went to a conference in the USA to talk of their experiences in raising children. Before the spoke, a woman came up to them and told them forthrightly that she didn't agree that homosexuals should be allowed to raise children, because it went against traditional family values.

And then they went on the podium and told their story. Later the same woman came to them in tears to apologise for what she had said earlier. "And then she wrote to us later," says Ron laughing in his booming bass. "She said that she had our photo on a notice board in her office with a sign underneath it that read ‘they opened my heart and my eyes.'"

Two fathers - Radio Netherlands Worldwide - English



New Member
Anyone getting sick of fighting this one out? Maybe I should put a blanket statement in my siggy. "I love gay people and religion sucks" "


Well-Known Member
Anyone getting sick of fighting this one out? Maybe I should put a blanket statement in my siggy. "I love gay people and religion sucks" "
:lol: Other than "religion sucks", sounds good. How about "intolerance of other lifestyles sucks"?


In My Opinion
Anyone getting sick of fighting this one out? Maybe I should put a blanket statement in my siggy. "I love gay people and religion sucks" "
since nobody will ever change their opinion, and since this thread proves that they need us, not the other way around, and since I suspect that the sucking would be more likely to be found in the gay community than in a church (except maybe a catholic church priests office)

I say its worthless to expand on the subject any more, everyone knows everyone elses feelings on the subject.


New Member
"there are only two groups of people I hate - those who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch"
- Nigel Powers


New Member
since nobody will ever change their opinion, and since this thread proves that they need us, not the other way around, and since I suspect that the sucking would be more likely to be found in the gay community than in a church (except maybe a catholic church priests office)

I say its worthless to expand on the subject any more, everyone knows everyone elses feelings on the subject.

Yes, we know where we stand. You're a bigot and ItalianScallion's intolerance bleeds deep within him.


New Member
Wow, by labelling bcp a bigot, it almost sounds as if YOU are intolerant of BCP's belief system.



Merriam-Webster's Dictionary said:

Main Entry: big·ot Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\ Function: noun Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot Date: 1660 : a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
— big·ot·ed·ly adverb



New Member
Are you showing that, by being intolerant of other people's opinions, devoted to your own ideology with prejudice, that you are acting bigotted?

Normally I agree with a lot of what you say, but it seems as if you are saying this.
I said he's a bigot. It's the blatant truth. :shrug:

No, I'm not acting bigotted. Quite honestly, the whole discussion about gays (which I've been reading but have had no input in until now) bores me. :yawn: Who the frick cares if two guys or two girls raise a child together or get married?

Tell me, all-knowing ones, how does two guys raising a child affect you?


Just waiting on Foodcritic to jump in this thread...

I'm sick of this subject... it's been argued ad nauseum over the last couple of weeks and I think it's pointless to just keep arguing it.

I also do not feel that BCP is a bigot. I think that BCP has been mostly respectful in giving his opinion, even if he disagrees with me on the subject of homosexuality.

To turn this in to a mudslinging name calling battle over who's right and who's wrong on the subject of homosexuality and all its parts does neither side any good whatsoever.

I think homosexuals are great people, I think they're capable of raising the children that need a home (yes, homosexuals need heterosexuals to have children, however those heterosexuals who cannot raise their child and give them up for adoption should thank the homosexuals for taking them in), capable of staying in committed relationships, holding great jobs, and remaining drug and alcohol free, should they choose. I think that the only difference between a heterosexual person and a homosexual person is whom they sleep with.

That's MY opinion on the subject. Many will disagree, many will agree. My opinion won't ever be changed and most likely those that disagree won't have their opinion changed either.

Let it go, man... just find a new subject to argue ad nauseum about.