PsyOps said:
Larry, what exactly does this mean “attain a monopoly on the use of force”? I don’t disagree with you on this, but what you are asking has been tried and has already had severe political consequences. Every time our military tried to assert their overwhelming force the left launches into their negative ad campaigns about how our military are blood thirsty murderers and terrorists. And then there is the daily body count. The enemy is not the insurgents and terrorists at this point; it is the media and the left wing propaganda machine. So how do you employ this “monopoly of force” without having the left and cooperating media use it as political talking points? You can’t deny it’s effectiveness given the fact it has probably lost the GOP power in this next round of elections. means no one uses forces except you or those you allow to, in this case the US and whatever Iraqi forces pass the sniff test as to which way their weapons point when the game is on.
It means Syria and Iran and Saudi will NOT allow their borders to be used to infiltrate Iraq because they've decided it is in their best interest.
It means individuals (insurgents) have chosen to not fight because it's not worth it to them.
It means any and everything is on the table for death and destruction including vaporising Mecca and Medina if that's what it takes to keep religious motivated individuals on their best behavior.
As far as the politics, make your choice; head or gut. You WILL be attacked by your opponents if you take action. You WILL be attacked by your opp pents in your action fails or isn't doing so well. You WILL be attacked by your opponents if do nothing.
Think of the left as sports reporters; What's the difference between and ill advised deep pass and a brilliant game wining bomb?
Answer; whether or not it worked.
I can't help it if Bush chose to take partial measures for political purposes. Like a good play/bad play metaphor, all that matters is that it works.
Hell, try a death of 1,000 cuts analogy. Here we sit today with X amount of Iraqi's dead, 50 or 100 at a time and Iraq, by all accounts in near chaos. Now, say we killed that many on day 1 or 30 or even day 100. The violence is stopped. The dead are buried. The rebuilding begins. A new day arrives. No one questions who is in charge. No one questions who makes the rules.
The left can then scream bloody murder, which they're going to do anyway because, for some reason, liberating Iraq makes them ill, yet, the job is DONE. At the end of the day, it's still a war, one way or another. At the end of the day, a majority of Democrats voted for it. Let them sort it out. Nothing and I mean nothing succeeds like success.