Horse Cost Calculator - try it if you dare!


New Member
Horse Channel has a horse cost calculator so you can see where your $$ is going each year. :nomoney: You may want to be closer to the floor if you have multiple horses so your fall from shock isn't as far as mine was :faint:
With tax time here, I keep wondering, why aren't my four legged furry kids deductible too?!?

Horse Cost Calculator -

Anyone want to share what they get?


New Member
It's bad, but not as bad as the year I bought my horse in March and he needed colic surgery in December :shocked: :whistle:


Adopt me please !
After doing the first section and coming up with close to $4k (non-boarding), I think I'll not keep going or I may be re-homing 2 horses this weekend LOL

Horse Channel has a horse cost calculator so you can see where your $$ is going each year. :nomoney: You may want to be closer to the floor if you have multiple horses so your fall from shock isn't as far as mine was :faint:
With tax time here, I keep wondering, why aren't my four legged furry kids deductible too?!?

Horse Cost Calculator -

Anyone want to share what they get?