Horse needs new home or will be put down!


Animal Poor!
if she can't afford to keep him she shouldn't be freaking training... I'm sorry but this kind of shiat really pisses me off... oh let's see the horse is not making any money for me so I have to put it down. and give an ultimatum for a week to make someone come take it off my hands... BS
not trying to shoot the messenger so to speak... thanks for trying to find it a home... :howdy:

so why would someone give me red for this?

Horse needs new home or... 10-02-2007 08:17 PM just like getting rid of a dog when it is no longer making money on puppies

:shrug: all my dogs (whom are either strays, rescues, or inherited) are fixed


Animal Poor!
First off...let me say I agree that this is not a pleasant situation at all, but I don't know the whole circumstance to make a conclusion on whats happening (like, has she been trying to place it for months, or is this a snap decision). I will give the owner credit for one thing (this is what makes me feel the owner is not completely money hungry to disregard their animals well being), at least they are willing to spend the money and have the animal humanely put down instead of running it though an auction to try and get the last couple hundred bucks out of it, and risk this guy taking a trip to Mexico.

good points and I jumped to possibly the wrong conclussion, but I have heard of lots of peeps who do this... they threaten to put the animal down in a certain amount of time in the hopes that some animal lover out there will do all the work for them to find a home. maybe that's the case here and maybe it's not... :shrug:


New Member
I have pics of him! Knee looks worse than she described, but it could very well be solid, very big knot sticking out...couldnt have been a chip removed! Who knows what caused it. Unless infection got in the joint following surgery.
Yes, the name is Copper street, not cooper street. I am still waiting to hear back to see if she went down again to try him. I told her to be careful! I have let her know that someone has offered to take him! Thank you very much( e-mail me for contact info)! She was very concerned for him! As we all were...It is horrible when things like this happen, but yes I agree at least he wasnt doomed to go to auction! If anyone wants pics please e-mail me>
Thanks for all help- it is greatly appreciated, especially by the horse Im sure!


New Member
Are you sure he is a TB and not a Standardbred? Copper Street did not come up in a search I did...I would love to see pics of this horse. I am really close to LaPlata and would love to see this guy, we are trainers and dont know of another owner/trainer in LaPlata...I'm puzzled.


Does my butt look big?
Are you sure he is a TB and not a Standardbred? Copper Street did not come up in a search I did...I would love to see pics of this horse. I am really close to LaPlata and would love to see this guy, we are trainers and dont know of another owner/trainer in LaPlata...I'm puzzled.

You know I found that too...I did find a copper street tb but he was in his teens...I was also wondering if he was a trotter or pacer? I will look that up later..


New Member
Yep Paso, I think 14 and raced somwhere out west... dont think it's the same horse! Or that could have been the Cooper Street... anyway, I know one of the two was an old mare.


New Member
Thanks for the efforts and considerations!

I was told that from efforts by freedom hill that he is safe!
I was told a tb, but the girl may have gotten that info wrong. Oh well! Thank you eventrd! Thanks for the consideration of taking him! I believe that Freedom Hill found someone already, but if it doesnt work out Ill let you know!:yahoo: