Horse stuck in well pump house.


Love * Luck * Faith
so sorry for your loss
I am sitting her sobbing. I am so sorry for your loss.

Thank you both.

Chevy – Im sorry I made you cry. That really wasn’t my intent… its just that there seemed to be some unanswered questions from the original thread and the “reports” that Baynet, etc. had done didn’t tell half the story and sometimes got facts straight up wrong.


New Member
What a traumatic story. Sorry for your loss. And I can't believe the landowner didn't offer apologies. very sad all the way around.


New Member
Wow I cant believe this is still here... I dont know why I tortue myself with googling old new media on what happened to my mare. She was an 8 y/o Morgan mare, registered with the AMHA as SRS Here to Eternity. Everyone called her "ET" or just "T."

Just for the record... The reason she fell in is because she, along with other horses, got out because the fences were ALWAYS down. They all travled up to the house where the grass is VERY green. They got in to a kicking contest and she got backed up to the well pump house. It only had a piece of old ply-wood covering it... she tried to walk over it to get away from teh kicking horses and of course, the ply-wood gave way. And she wasnt stuck on anything in the well pump housing. She was stuck IN the housing because it was a 6-7ft deep, 4x5ft cement block hole in the ground. And, she was no small girl - 16hh and well pushing 1100lbs. She simply had the inability to get out.

She fell in shortly after 4:00pm on Friday, October 10th, 2008. I was just getting off work in DC at that time... I didnt even know it had happened until I got off my commuter bus around 5:00pm. My boyfriend was waiting for me at my park-n-ride in Dunkirk, which he never did. He was just very quiet and told me to "Get in the car. ET fell in the well."

I got to the barn around 5:30pm (from Dunkirk to Lusby in 30 minutes...we were flying). My parents, other boarders, the St Leonard Fire Dept and Calvert County Animal Control were all there. We had the Fire Dept and Animal Control put out an emergency vet call - all able-bodied vets in the immediate are that were not already on an emergency run were mandated to report to the scene. Dr. Liasis (sp?) of Tidewater (I think? I dont normally use them) arrived first. She sedated ET with everything but ketamine because she wouldnt be still and we had a back-hoe coming in to tear out part of the cement block and try to lift her out. My vet, Dr. Murphy of Southern MD Equine arrived (I called her personally...) She had known ET since I had gotten her as a yearling. She was in Bowie at the time. She made it to Lusby in just over an hour. She was flying. The two vets together decided to try ketamine on top of what was already given to ET. Now I know that sounds like a lot, but like I said it was a 4x5' area that ET was stuck in. We were bringing in heavy machinery to clear out a wall. If ET had spooked and gotten tangled in the machinery, things could have gone downhill very quickly.

So ET was drugged. The ketamine caused her to have small seizures, but it stopped her from flailing like she had been. Around 8:00pm, roughly 4 hours after falling in the well, the wall was removed, we got some straps under her where we could (she was very cramped in the space and we were not able to get a proper equine sling under her), and the back-hoe lifted her out and to higher ground. Everyone looked her over... we were expecting broken bones, etc. Nothing. She had a scratch on her knee where she had rested it against the concrete. That was IT. But, she has been sitting in cold water for 4 hours, and so she was unable to move her back legs. We kept her under light blankets and began rubbing her legs (hell, her entire body) to increase circulation (when I say "we," I mean everyone from 10 y/o lesson kids to Senior firefighters... everyone was helping in a way Ive never seen). Dr. Liasis had another emergency call come through, and so she left. After about 45 minutes, ET began trying to stand up. She never did make it all the way up, but she tried and tried until about 10:00pm... when she went in to cardiac arrest. My boyfriend tried compressions, I tried to get some kind of response out of her and Dr. Murphy gave her adrenaline. But to no avail. After 6 hours of fighting, her heart couldnt take it anymore :bawl:

So in a nutshell, thats what happened. I know the original thread is like two years old but I just came across it again today and felt the need to clear up what really happened.

To this day the lady that owned the place refuses to accept any responsibility for what happened. I've never even heard the words "Im sorry for your loss" come out of her mouth. And yes. I am still a little bitter about it.

I am sorry for your loss.

however most boarding facilities have you sign an agreement not holding the farm or them responsible for these kinds of incidents. That is what a Liability release is all about.

Its a shame you did not get an apology from the farm owner/manager

perhaps something was said during the kaos/ it may have not been heard?
sorry inmarsh what a fight your mare gave to hold on.


Does my butt look big?
I am sorry for your loss.

however most boarding facilities have you sign an agreement not holding the farm or them responsible for these kinds of incidents. That is what a Liability release is all about.

Its a shame you did not get an apology from the farm owner/manager

perhaps something was said during the kaos/ it may have not been heard?
sorry inmarsh what a fight your mare gave to hold on.

Yeah that...but I am sorry too how sad..and traumatic for both you and your mare


Love * Luck * Faith
I am sorry for your loss.

however most boarding facilities have you sign an agreement not holding the farm or them responsible for these kinds of incidents. That is what a Liability release is all about.

Its a shame you did not get an apology from the farm owner/manager

perhaps something was said during the kaos/ it may have not been heard?
sorry inmarsh what a fight your mare gave to hold on.

There was never a boarding agreement signed. My Mom and I had our horses there for years as a "self-care" thing. We cleaned 20+ stall and took care of 20+ horses (including our own two) 4 nights a week for over 2 years for free board. Then it switched to we took care of our two and the rest of the boarder's horses (about 10 total) and paid like $150/mo. It was just a verbal agreement regarding the cost/labor. There was never anything put in writing saying she wasnt held liable. Trust me, I pulled all records.

And the lady wasnt even there during the incident. She was at the Morgan Grand National in Oklahoma. She came back and all she had to say was "accidents happen." :cussing: I understand you trying to give me another perspective and I hope you dont take my tone as "snappy." Im just explaining the background to it all

Four days after my mare died, two more horses were put down - both resulting from injuries sustained on that farm due to human error. Injuries that never should have happened in the first place.


New Member
There was never a boarding agreement signed. My Mom and I had our horses there for years as a "self-care" thing. We cleaned 20+ stall and took care of 20+ horses (including our own two) 4 nights a week for over 2 years for free board. Then it switched to we took care of our two and the rest of the boarder's horses (about 10 total) and paid like $150/mo. It was just a verbal agreement regarding the cost/labor. There was never anything put in writing saying she wasnt held liable. Trust me, I pulled all records.

And the lady wasnt even there during the incident. She was at the Morgan Grand National in Oklahoma. She came back and all she had to say was "accidents happen." :cussing: I understand you trying to give me another perspective and I hope you dont take my tone as "snappy." Im just explaining the background to it all

Four days after my mare died, two more horses were put down - both resulting from injuries sustained on that farm due to human error. Injuries that never should have happened in the first place.

Sad Sad Sad, Sorry, I was hoping just during the heat of everything, perhaps something might have been mentioned{apology} at least.
I understand, your not snappy, just totally upset,,, things could have prevented it. Carelessness yes.


Active Member
Wow I cant believe this is still here... I dont know why I tortue myself with googling old new media on what happened to my mare. She was an 8 y/o Morgan mare, registered with the AMHA as SRS Here to Eternity. Everyone called her "ET" or just "T."

Just for the record... The reason she fell in is because she, along with other horses, got out because the fences were ALWAYS down. They all travled up to the house where the grass is VERY green. They got in to a kicking contest and she got backed up to the well pump house. It only had a piece of old ply-wood covering it... she tried to walk over it to get away from teh kicking horses and of course, the ply-wood gave way. And she wasnt stuck on anything in the well pump housing. She was stuck IN the housing because it was a 6-7ft deep, 4x5ft cement block hole in the ground. And, she was no small girl - 16hh and well pushing 1100lbs. She simply had the inability to get out.

She fell in shortly after 4:00pm on Friday, October 10th, 2008. I was just getting off work in DC at that time... I didnt even know it had happened until I got off my commuter bus around 5:00pm. My boyfriend was waiting for me at my park-n-ride in Dunkirk, which he never did. He was just very quiet and told me to "Get in the car. ET fell in the well."

I got to the barn around 5:30pm (from Dunkirk to Lusby in 30 minutes...we were flying). My parents, other boarders, the St Leonard Fire Dept and Calvert County Animal Control were all there. We had the Fire Dept and Animal Control put out an emergency vet call - all able-bodied vets in the immediate are that were not already on an emergency run were mandated to report to the scene. Dr. Liasis (sp?) of Tidewater (I think? I dont normally use them) arrived first. She sedated ET with everything but ketamine because she wouldnt be still and we had a back-hoe coming in to tear out part of the cement block and try to lift her out. My vet, Dr. Murphy of Southern MD Equine arrived (I called her personally...) She had known ET since I had gotten her as a yearling. She was in Bowie at the time. She made it to Lusby in just over an hour. She was flying. The two vets together decided to try ketamine on top of what was already given to ET. Now I know that sounds like a lot, but like I said it was a 4x5' area that ET was stuck in. We were bringing in heavy machinery to clear out a wall. If ET had spooked and gotten tangled in the machinery, things could have gone downhill very quickly.

So ET was drugged. The ketamine caused her to have small seizures, but it stopped her from flailing like she had been. Around 8:00pm, roughly 4 hours after falling in the well, the wall was removed, we got some straps under her where we could (she was very cramped in the space and we were not able to get a proper equine sling under her), and the back-hoe lifted her out and to higher ground. Everyone looked her over... we were expecting broken bones, etc. Nothing. She had a scratch on her knee where she had rested it against the concrete. That was IT. But, she has been sitting in cold water for 4 hours, and so she was unable to move her back legs. We kept her under light blankets and began rubbing her legs (hell, her entire body) to increase circulation (when I say "we," I mean everyone from 10 y/o lesson kids to Senior firefighters... everyone was helping in a way Ive never seen). Dr. Liasis had another emergency call come through, and so she left. After about 45 minutes, ET began trying to stand up. She never did make it all the way up, but she tried and tried until about 10:00pm... when she went in to cardiac arrest. My boyfriend tried compressions, I tried to get some kind of response out of her and Dr. Murphy gave her adrenaline. But to no avail. After 6 hours of fighting, her heart couldnt take it anymore :bawl:

So in a nutshell, thats what happened. I know the original thread is like two years old but I just came across it again today and felt the need to clear up what really happened.

To this day the lady that owned the place refuses to accept any responsibility for what happened. I've never even heard the words "Im sorry for your loss" come out of her mouth. And yes. I am still a little bitter about it.

This is so sad. I've seen so many boarding that neglect their fences. I have and will always stand firm in the fact that the little bit of money it costs to maintain them is well worth every penny. I've heard of another where a horse was impaled by a rod on a gate that rusted out. I had warned them but apparently it fell on deaf ears as I heard about it after I left. These stories are so sad all because they don't want to spend the money or because nobody knows anything but them...



Love * Luck * Faith
This is so sad. I've seen so many boarding that neglect their fences. I have and will always stand firm in the fact that the little bit of money it costs to maintain them is well worth every penny. I've heard of another where a horse was impaled by a rod on a gate that rusted out. I had warned them but apparently it fell on deaf ears as I heard about it after I left. These stories are so sad all because they don't want to spend the money or because nobody knows anything but them...


I totally agree. Fences can be a lot of work to maintain, but if done properly from the get-go, its much easier. That farm had all tinsel-wire fencing. The shock-box for it didnt work for years because they simply didnt hook it up. My dad has been an electrician for over 30 years and so I asked him to do some work at that barn - indoor lights, outdoor/arena lights, re-wiring the barn, and fixing the shock-box. He put at least $10k worth of lights/wiring and labor into that place over the years. Anyway, he got the shock-box working a few years back. It worked perfectly - the horses wouldnt go near the fence and no one got out. The box was, however, in the garage and thus not hooked directly to the fence. So my Dad ran a tempory line from the box in the garage to the fence, put it inside a PVC pipe and laid it on the ground until they decided if they wanted to run the line underground or high-wire style. Well someone ran over it with the bushhog and killed the wire... never got fixed after that.

So the horses were always knocking down the fences. Basically, if you wantes the fances fixed, you had to do it yourself. What kills me is I had planned on spending the day at the farm to fixed the fences (again) on Saturday, October 11th. :ohwell: go figure...

Anyway... I truly appreciate your sympathy, everyone.


New Member
Wow! I had no clue this was your mare! I am so sorry! I can't even imagine what you and ET went through! But it sounds like you had alot of wonderful caring and loving people around you both until the end! RIP ET!


New Member
I understand that the farm is now in much better shape and under a different manager, sorry for your loss.

There was never a boarding agreement signed. My Mom and I had our horses there for years as a "self-care" thing. We cleaned 20+ stall and took care of 20+ horses (including our own two) 4 nights a week for over 2 years for free board. Then it switched to we took care of our two and the rest of the boarder's horses (about 10 total) and paid like $150/mo. It was just a verbal agreement regarding the cost/labor. There was never anything put in writing saying she wasnt held liable. Trust me, I pulled all records.

And the lady wasnt even there during the incident. She was at the Morgan Grand National in Oklahoma. She came back and all she had to say was "accidents happen." :cussing: I understand you trying to give me another perspective and I hope you dont take my tone as "snappy." Im just explaining the background to it all

Four days after my mare died, two more horses were put down - both resulting from injuries sustained on that farm due to human error. Injuries that never should have happened in the first place.


Love * Luck * Faith
I understand that the farm is now in much better shape and under a different manager, sorry for your loss.

Thats what I heard, too. The people who live there (or at least manage the place) let me come down every once in a while to leave some flowers and a glazed doughnut for ET... she loved glazed doughnuts :lol:

I havnt been down in a while... I guess its time to take a trip to Lusby


New Member
Awwwwww, I didn't know horses like doughnuts! :)

Thats what I heard, too. The people who live there (or at least manage the place) let me come down every once in a while to leave some flowers and a glazed doughnut for ET... she loved glazed doughnuts :lol:

I havnt been down in a while... I guess its time to take a trip to Lusby


Love * Luck * Faith
Awwwwww, I didn't know horses like doughnuts! :)

Well she certainly did! :lol:

I tried to trick her and give her one of the nasty plain doughnuts before (you know, the ones no one will eat)... she spit it right at me and gave me this WTF Did You Just Feed Me look :lmao: Couldnt get nothin past her when it came to food!


K Betit
LnMarsh- You know that everyone was very sorry for what happened to ET. However, this is the perspective of the individual who was damaged in the situation. I am not going to argue with what you have said, because you are entitled to your own feelings, and opinions, and I know that this was a devastating event that you would like to discuss with others. However, I do not believe that the SOMD forums are an appropriate place to discuss this, especially with so many people who are close to said individual being on these forums. It accomplishes nothing to post these comments except harm.


PREMO Member
LnMarsh- You know that everyone was very sorry for what happened to ET. However, this is the perspective of the individual who was damaged in the situation. I am not going to argue with what you have said, because you are entitled to your own feelings, and opinions, and I know that this was a devastating event that you would like to discuss with others. However, I do not believe that the SOMD forums are an appropriate place to discuss this, especially with so many people who are close to said individual being on these forums. It accomplishes nothing to post these comments except harm.

I disagree.


Love * Luck * Faith
LnMarsh- You know that everyone was very sorry for what happened to ET. However, this is the perspective of the individual who was damaged in the situation. I am not going to argue with what you have said, because you are entitled to your own feelings, and opinions, and I know that this was a devastating event that you would like to discuss with others. However, I do not believe that the SOMD forums are an appropriate place to discuss this, especially with so many people who are close to said individual being on these forums. It accomplishes nothing to post these comments except harm.

You're 100% correct. My post is the perspective of the individual who was damaged in the situation. Do you, however, honestly feel that you would feel different if you were in my situation? What if Heart had fallen in and Leitha (I am only naming her because she has previously been named in this thread) never offered any condolences to you? And you know as well as I do that things were always half-@$$ed down there

She had already left this area before I even brought up my post. From what Ive heard, she is doing very well in her new location not only with the horses but with her artwork. Her artwork was the background for the pictures at Nationals last year... thats AWESOME. And honestly, truly, I wish her the best. The absolute best. I didnt mean to post this to cause her any harm. I posted it to clear up any misconstrued information as to what happened to ET. There are a lot of people in this area who are and will stay friends with Leitha regardless of what I post. Including you... I know Leitha is/was like a 2nd Mom to you and so I understand your anger in what I posted here.

I do not, however, take anything back. I honestly wish her the best and Im happy for her. Really. I am just very, VERY bitter at her for not offering any condolences to me, let alone offering to help with my $2000+ vet bill, etc.

I hope my feeling toward her for this does not affect our friendship.