

thats awsum im not even guna lie..i wish i could do that well ive never tried lol i think im going to try now! lol...nate seems to be quite the horse master haha :)...really that would be sweet your so nice :-D

Do you mean that your gonna try getting on your horse to ride with out anything???? BE VERY CAREFUL!!

First if your horse is in the feild with other horses this could be kinda dangerous. You will need to train your horse alone first. And if you have the option of a small paddock verses a larger pasture always choose the smaller one first. until your horse is responsive to you. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR HELMET!!!! And make sure someone is around to help on the ground a bit until your horse gets used to it. You should talk to Nate the next time you see him for pointers also. Once the horses become accustom to it it is really quite amazing to see. Nathan is also training them to pull up along side of each other in the field and changing horse to horse. One day he changed horses so often it was like he was crawling across their backs like stepping stones. I couldn't get my camera out fast enough. It was a hoot. LOL.
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New Member
that is so cute tell him to do it again i wuna see lol....well if i try it i promise ill wear my helmet but im havin a problem gettin on i mean it cant be natural just jumping on my horse i have to use a step stool lol well if i saw nate often i would ask him but i dont lol :-(


that is so cute tell him to do it again i wuna see lol....well if i try it i promise ill wear my helmet but im havin a problem gettin on i mean it cant be natural just jumping on my horse i have to use a step stool lol well if i saw nate often i would ask him but i dont lol :-(

He would definitely do that. He is proud of the work he has done with them.

You older kids from HSS sould get together throughout the year and ride. It is great networking. You kids learn alot form each other. It is also nice to have kids your own age to kick back with doing what you like. For those kids that never get a chance to ride outside the ring, it is a good idea to cross train their horses for trail. It makes for a well rounded horse and rider. :howdy:


New Member
This would be the same thing as keeping it stalled as long as water and hay are available. Horses are shipped in trailers and as cargo all over the world in much smaller spaces than an open stock trailer. Horses are tied safely to fences every day.

If this is the horse I know about (and I'm fairly sure it is), during the timeframe you quote, it was with it's owner being prepared for a trail ride, and not parked in front of her house.

It was the only one in the stock trailer, and had arrived at the owner's home at approximately 1:00am on sunday morning, then was taken out of the trailer around 9:00am on sunday morning to graze and be groomed in her back yard. The animal control investigation proved the accusation to be "unfounded".

I'd be very careful of filing false never know who can testify as to what the facts really are. And NO this isn't my horse, but I am aware of the situation, it was one of my horse trailers, loaned for the weekend.

and your word means? what makes what you say any more true than the OP? :shrug:


i cant make the meeting ill be in myrtle beach....:-( i hope i can still get my poster

Do you have a freind that can pick it up for you? If there is a freind that you see regularly, try and have them pick it up for you. Otherwise, I am sure you could get it later. Have fun at the Beach.