Hot Sauce...


You smell funny
Wins all teh awards for unique names.

Case in point:

"Bubbas ButtBlaster"

"Rajun Canajun"

"Hand Grenade Hot Sauce"

"Sweet Lorettas Snake Oil"

"Brutal Bum's"

And now my personal favorite (for now)

"Screaming faces Hot Sauce"...see attachment.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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wandering aimlessly
On travel in San Diego we went into this great place that had over 100 varieties of hot sauce. We spent over an hour there trying to decide what to bring back for our "I can handle anything" friends. You're right. Great names.


pretty black roses
bresamil said:
On travel in San Diego we went into this great place that had over 100 varieties of hot sauce. We spent over an hour there trying to decide what to bring back for our "I can handle anything" friends. You're right. Great names.

Next time you go to San Diego....can I go? Please, please, pretty please with sugar on top!!!!

I LOVE it if I could just find a job there as well as the other half.....

The name of the place is called Hot


But wait, there's more...
I have a bottle of the "Hottest F###### Sauce" at home ... about 6 drops to a pot of chili is all it takes. :really:


Lord, I apologize.
crabcake said:
I have a bottle of the "Hottest F###### Sauce" at home ... about 6 drops to a pot of chili is all it takes. :really:

On the website I posted, they have stuff that's a drop to a gallon of chili :twitch: :twitch:


pretty black roses
And some of the hot sauce you buy from Hot Licks, you will have to sign a release form stating they are not liable for any health issues concerned with it.....

I know this from experience!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Go to Bear Creek Barbecue in Callaway. They have tons of different hot sauces for sale in the back. I definitely remember the "Screaming Faces" line. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
huntr1 said:
You want to talk hot sauce, talk to 2A. He's got some BRUTAL sh!t.
And that's an understatement.

I like hot stuff and I just barely touched the bottle top and then tasted my finger - I'm still recovering. :dead:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I'm still recovering. :dead:

Awww... :smooch:
...we were talking about that the other night when 2A took a (new) even hotter bottle of sauce to leave behind the bar. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
...we were talking about that the other night when 2A took a (new) even hotter bottle of sauce to leave behind the bar. :lol:
:urk: Remind me to never taste any of his nuclear reactor flaming kill you dead or at least wish you were dead hot sauces again.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
:urk: Remind me to never taste any of his nuclear reactor flaming kill you dead or at least wish you were dead hot sauces again.

And all along I thought that was cigarette smoke... :lmao:


professional daydreamer
I just can't relate to the mentality of eating something that's so hot that it cauterizes your taste buds. What's the point? :shrug:


Hairy Harry
elaine said:
I just can't relate to the mentality of eating something that's so hot that it cauterizes your taste buds. What's the point? :shrug:

It's really an aquired taste, you kind of build up tolerance so you crave hotter and hotter. It's also a calorie burner and good for your immune system!