Crap, pure crap...
but that strict readings of many parts of the Constitution can lead to a government that is not responsive to 21st Century needs.
'Strict' readings? Strict? Seems you are strict as hell when it suits and oblivious when it doesn't.
That '1789'; thinking, which, presumably, along with it's petrifying 'morals' is the very launguage that offers a clear and direct route to change, amendment. Hell, the whole paper says it's up to the people and it's all negotiable and it's all up for interpretation...IF YOU FOLLOW THE RULES.
Otherwise, anarchy lay and that means whatever 'loose' interpretations along with what you may or may not believe can be washed away just as simply and weakly as they appeared.
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the law of the land. They are changeable which makes them living and timeless if we, the people, simply treat them so. When we ignore that beauty and just 'interpret' as we see fit without changing the document to reflect changing public views and, yes, morals, then we leave any and all open to chaos, ANYTHING becomes possible.
Your view, admit it or not, says "I only want the parts I agree with' and it's because your afraid to make a case for your views and your afraid you can't carry the day and MAKE real change, thus, Constitutional interpretation for all! What do you want it to be today!?
This threatens no one more than poor folks and minorities. They're the first to have their stuff taken. What do you care? You're high minded. They NEED great thinkers like you to tell them what the Constitution really says.
Another secret; while you are absolutely petrified of morality not of your own making, the founders were flawed too. They ignored the very masterpiece they created in order to attend to popular opinion of the day; slavery.
BUT, they also left it in there the very mechanism to make us all equal under the law, to be later sanctified in blood and then reinforced by the 14th amendment and Father Time.
I submit to you that these imperfect men whose very name makes your knees shake merely at their mentioning would be appalled we've amended so
little. I submit to you that these 'titans' of imperfections expected people like you, who so disagree with their 'morality' such as you mis-interpret it, to work for change, to modify, to amend just as they'd expect me or anyone else to argue that 220 years of outstanding success might be all right as it is.
Another problem for you is that they also knew the process would keep ideas that were not actually pleasing to 2/3's of the people from becoming 1/2 baked law, or at least would do so as long as we respected it. That is key.
I know they wanted us to change it as we see fit or there'd be no amendment process nor any amendments to begin with.
I know that dissing the Constitution and Bill of Rights, picking and choosing, makes some people happy, thus the importance of corrupting the judiciary. It's their only path to victory, as they see it.
I know this very path makes their victories instantly enfeebled and, frankly, sets the table for what you would see as both good and bad, a short circuiting of the process. Short cuts work both ways.
That should scare you.
Have a nice day.