Originally posted by demsformd
Moral elitest, in my opinion, feels that their values should be imposed on everyone. Examples of these: Pat Robertson, Bob Jones, the Taliban, and the 40% of Americans that believe that life begins at conception and that everyone should adhere to that.
It's wonderful how you paint pro-lifers and the Taliban with the same brush. Very smooth and not at all offensive.
Is it moral elitism to want to stop what you see as the wholesale slaughter of innocent human life? I think moral elitism would better be exemplified by the political correctness movement in this country. Moral elitism would better be exemplified by anti-smoking laws.
Here's another analogy which I'm sure you will love.
Let's agree that my black and white opinion is totally wrong, and that everyone's truth is as valid to them as my truth is to me. Pro-choicers have their banner day and they dance on the bloody tissue, bone-fragments and eyeballs of a thousand dead (but totally non-viable) feti. I throw a party in their honor, as I realize that they don't believe one real human being was lost, so the massacre has the morally equivalence to eating a slice of fresh Southern Maryland Stuffed Ham. (Except for the vegans who now think that
I am a cold-blooded killer for murdering a pig. But we don't need to go into that now.)
Great. Everyone's rights are protected.
At least everyone who matters.
Now - down the street from my house, a gang of young bald-headed Aryan Nation Militants move in. Since they do not see my black neighbor as a human being, and they view my Jewish nieghbor as something even worse, they decide to have themselves a good old fashioned lynching to clean the neighborhood, much like an abortion cleans a uterus. On my way to work the next morning, I drive by the hanging bodies of two of my ex-neighbors who, ironically, believed that everyone is entitled to their opinions.
Now I'm confused - because I look at those two murders in shock and horror, but I also now realize that everyone's opinion is as valid to them as mine is to me. And since the Aryan guys don't BELIEVE that the people they killed were really humans, then to them they weren't. And who am I to infringe on their personal choice of lynching?
Now I ask you: Is it moral elitism to be disgusted and horrified by such grotesquery?