

New Member
Late post.... but we watch it every week. Started watching it from the first episode.

Very intresting fact about the show. Watch the ending credits and see who the producers are. Something like CBS television, but the show is on Fox. I guess CBS didn't think the show was worth sqaut and sold the air rights to Fox.

It was funny a few weeks ago when they had a contagious virus in the hospital and Cutty elevated things to "level three" and House says better get Jack Bauer on the phone... :lmao: :lmao:

Love it!!!


New Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
Very intresting fact about the show. Watch the ending credits and see who the producers are. Something like CBS television, but the show is on Fox. I guess CBS didn't think the show was worth sqaut and sold the air rights to Fox.

It happens all the time with television shows. The figure they can make more money selling it to another network than they can by airing it themselves or sometimes the network that produces the show doesn't want to break up their own schedule, so they sell it to another network. Hey, it is Hollywood! No one said it had to make sense!