How About Them Gators... er... Redskins



As a lifelong Steelers fan, I must say that it's been hard to find anything good to say about the Redskins, but now that they've become the Washington Gators I can now root for them. :) My fav college team has always been the Gators, and it sure was awesome to see Spurier and Wuerfel together again. I thought it was 1996 all over again.

One complaint... those throwback uniforms have got to go! They look too much like FSU rags. :)


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Originally posted by Bruzilla
As a lifelong Steelers fan, I must say that it's been hard to find anything good to say about the Redskins, but now that they've become the Washington Gators I can now root for them. :) My fav college team has always been the Gators, and it sure was awesome to see Spurier and Wuerfel together again. I thought it was 1996 all over again.

One complaint... those throwback uniforms have got to go! They look too much like FSU rags. :)

How can you be a Steelers fan and not like Pitt or Penn State?


I was a Pitt and Penn State fan... more torwards the Pitt side, but I liked the Gators just because I was into alligators as a kid. Then when I was stationed at NAS Jacksonville, FL and got a whole new view of what real college football fans are like, I pretty much gave up on the Panthers and the Lions. :) NCAA football is like it's own religion down there. :)