How are the gas prices effecting horse peeps?


Ahhhh Florida!
How are the gas prices effecting horse peeps?

I have decided NOT to buy the deisel truck I really wanted :crazy:and I think I will not be traveling too far for horse shows this year. Anyone else changing their plans because of the gas prices? What are you doing differently?:popcorn: I was also thinking about buying my husband a cheap economical car to get to and from work since he will be driving 30 miles.:faint:If all goes well we will be closing on our new house with 8.1 acres on Thursday. Wish me luck!:yahoo::starcat:


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Sounds like carpooling to the shows might be a good option.

Only problem is if one person had AM classes at the show and another was later in the class schedule.

Sadie that is exciting news about the new place. That will be great having your horses at home with you.


Get some!
Sounds like carpooling to the shows might be a good option.

Only problem is if one person had AM classes at the show and another was later in the class schedule.

Sadie that is exciting news about the new place. That will be great having your horses at home with you.
Too bad he sold the bike. I ride my motorcycle in the summer whenever I can, gets better gas than my car. My honda gets 40mpg though. I know that I am getting a small trailer instead of the big truck and trailer. And not taking the camper to shows this year. Cant afford to. To darn expensive. But cross your fingers, hubbies interview is Wednesday, then we can carpool to shows!!!


Animal Poor!
How are the gas prices effecting horse peeps?

I have decided NOT to buy the deisel truck I really wanted :crazy:and I think I will not be traveling too far for horse shows this year. Anyone else changing their plans because of the gas prices? What are you doing differently?:popcorn: I was also thinking about buying my husband a cheap economical car to get to and from work since he will be driving 30 miles.:faint:If all goes well we will be closing on our new house with 8.1 acres on Thursday. Wish me luck!:yahoo::starcat:

Buy the converter kit for the diesel and run it on old veggie oil... :)
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New Member
Chevy is getting ready to launch a great looking hybrid (dont know price) called the Vault, runs on electricity for 30 miles, then goes to gas, and has a third option as well. My husband was looking at it. The milage is astronomical!


Horse Poor
Buy the converter kit for the diesel and run it on old veggie oil... :)

Then you will have a bunch of critters following you wanting to eat you!!!!:faint: They say the exhaust smells like fries on that:eyebrow:
I won't be cutting back to much on my trips. I figure it's cheaper to pay for diesel fuel then to lay on a couch and tell a therapist that your depressed because you can't afford to fill up and ride....:killingme

So i try to remember to stay under 60, Keep tank 1/2 full as I get the best mileage out of the first half tank. Keep filters clean and keep tires inflated properly. It really pisses me off I bought the diesel for mainly towing but also because the prices of fuel was cheaper for them at the time...Still I wouldn't give it up....Can't take it with me so might as well spend it and enjoy it before hand:yahoo: :wench:


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Then you will have a bunch of critters following you wanting to eat you!!!!:faint: They say the exhaust smells like fries on that:eyebrow:
I won't be cutting back to much on my trips. I figure it's cheaper to pay for diesel fuel then to lay on a couch and tell a therapist that your depressed because you can't afford to fill up and ride....:killingme

So i try to remember to stay under 60, Keep tank 1/2 full as I get the best mileage out of the first half tank. Keep filters clean and keep tires inflated properly. It really pisses me off I bought the diesel for mainly towing but also because the prices of fuel was cheaper for them at the time...Still I wouldn't give it up....Can't take it with me so might as well spend it and enjoy it before hand:yahoo: :wench:

I like your way of thinking Mingiz!!!! :yahoo:


Horse Poor
I like your way of thinking Mingiz!!!! :yahoo:

Hey BZ:huggy: I think that way now because I got tired of worrying over what the future will be, taking little blue pills so I don't kill some body etc...:boxing: :lmao:Like I said ya can't take it with ya so ya might as well enjoy life while ya have it...I call it my FI attitute..Works pretty damn good if I say so my self...:biggrin::shrug:


RIP Quinn
Mingiz- I get a case of the FI's every once in a while.. It kinda brings ya back to earth...:high5:

As for the diesel.. I do really well with my little tdi ... I get between 40 and 50 mpg every day. I fill up every week and a half for about 40 bucks. It sure beats my old suv that I spent at least 80 bucks in fuel a week. I wish that my pickup was a diesel but alas, it is not. It is an old 250 that gets maybe 10 mpg's prolly less hauling a heavy bp with 2 horses. And for some reason, the tank is only about 13 gallons??:shrug:So, wherever I go, I spend 30-40 bucks in fuel to go anywhere with my horses in that thing.


Horse Poor
Mingiz- I get a case of the FI's every once in a while.. It kinda brings ya back to earth...:high5:

As for the diesel.. I do really well with my little tdi ... I get between 40 and 50 mpg every day. I fill up every week and a half for about 40 bucks. It sure beats my old suv that I spent at least 80 bucks in fuel a week. I wish that my pickup was a diesel but alas, it is not. It is an old 250 that gets maybe 10 mpg's prolly less hauling a heavy bp with 2 horses. And for some reason, the tank is only about 13 gallons??:shrug:So, wherever I go, I spend 30-40 bucks in fuel to go anywhere with my horses in that thing.
I hear ya there on the mileage I get 13 towing but still 1/2 tank is 70$..I had to put the horses on a diet so I can take that money and put it in the fuel tank to go get the feed....:lmao::lmao:


Gas prices and lack of closer Events are screwing us over this year. Not to mention they seem to have alot scheduled on the same weekends. :rolleyes::bs:

Such is life...


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Gas prices and lack of closer Events are screwing us over this year. Not to mention they seem to have alot scheduled on the same weekends. :rolleyes::bs:

Such is life...

It sure seems like their are more Hunter and Jumper Shows in the area then there use to be. :starcat:

Now we just need a few more places that have big Indoor Rings like Caves Farm and maybe Frying Pan Park.


New Member
I'm glad to finally see PGEC getting more horse use. It's pretty local to Somd. I hate having to get on the beltway with my trailer to go anywhere.

As far as gas, just bought a small car for daily commuting. Give the truck a rest.


New Member
I'm definitely going to have to get a lil cheapie car to drive out to lessons. Def not driving the gas hog dually like I was. I'll need something to get from the new house (when bf finally buys one) to the farm daily.
Dont think it'll make a huge difference in the number of shows we do or anything. We probably wont be doing many events this year like we have in the past but we didnt do any last year either.