All your points have been argued here before. Republicans typically do preach balanced budgets but things happen, like 9/11, a huge decrease in revenue spurred by the dot com crash resulting in less tax revenue. Sometimes the cure is just as bad as the illness.rraley said:Ah, the Democratic Party is not where I want it to be, but the Republican Party is far from it too. Too many Republicans think that tax reform is best accomplished by either a flat tax or a national sales tax that would be far too hurtful to the middle and lower classes (I prefer a production tax that is levied on every level of a business's production of a good or is a great idea that a conservative introduced me to, if you want to know about it, PM me and I will send you the website and the pdf proposal). Too many Republicans think that the way to fix Social Security is by cutting benefits and calling it "investment accounts" (I believe that the best way to fix Social Security is to cap payments to wealthy income earners and to increase the amount of taxable income; I also prefer returning the budget to surplus and diverting any surplus funds to the Social Security Trust Fund). Too many Republicans are in the business of demonizing cultural problems, rather than addressing them logically (like abortion, as I discussed earlier). And George W. Bush's philosophy of international relations (unilateralism as opposed to multilateralism) has turned me off the GOP further (I supported the Afghan and Iraqi actions, but I don't think that Bush went about the Iraqi situation correctly). I believe in protecting the environment (George W. Bush and most Republicans are not in that mindset). I believe in welfare (the reforms of Bill Clinton made the program less abuse-prone and more uplifting, rather than systematic). I believe in health care for all (I support providing business credits to all businesses so that they can provide for good, comprehensive health insurance for their workers) and well George W. Bush didn't really address the growing number of uninsured in our nation. So, until these things are rectified, I don't see myself being a Republican anytime soon.
Furthermore, the biggest thing that the GOP had going for it was its belief in fiscal responsibility. Well, $420 billion later, they lost that.
I too do not agree with everything Republican. I do not support the privatization of social security. I am pleased that all options are being explored however.
I deamonize only the social programs that have proved time and time again they fail. Clintons welfare reform was won because the new Republican majority in congress wanted it to happen and he saw benefit in doing it. There is no motivation to get off the dole and that is a social problem that will likely not be fixed even in your lifetime if ever. To be blount we have an entire class of "citizens" who are too proud to pick lettuce but not proud enough to turn down a government check.
Bilateralism has gotten us kicked in the sack so many times it was pathetic. Measured responses, UN approval and sanctions for decades. Being a follower was not what made us who we are. I am glad to see that America is back to the business of leading even if it is unpopular among our critics. Although the result is sometimes clouded, out of principle I feel much better being pro-active rather than reactive.
Income tax reform is a big interest to those who are footing the bill for 90% of what it costs to have the greatest nation on God's green Earth. I don't think it is that much to ask that everyone who enjoys the benefits of being an American to cough up some of the funds, if even a little bit to pay for it. With EIC and a heavily stacked progressive tax rate you have an entire class of takers riding on the backs of the givers and that spells trouble in any society. Look at the property tax revolts going on in Maine.
Simple fact of the matter is many of us are centrist, the problem with the Democrats are they are not palletable to most centrists. Many of us view them as the architects of the social ilk that has gotten us to this point. Liberal views, the lack of values, responsibility, erosion of morals are all direct causes of the prominent issues.