Lovin' being Texican
Not only do the Democrats not get it, neither do the bloggers.
Kennedy and the rest of his crowd still believe the response of the United States should have been a an all-out law enforcement action. They want us to capture, bring to trial, convict/acquit and punish/release the identified purpetrators of terrorist violence. (But didn't they howl when the American Patriot Act was enacted to do just that?)
WAKE UP! Terrorist violence is not a merely a crime, it is an on going war against the United States. The terrorist violence of Sept 11, 2001 was one of MANY attacks on the United States. The earlier attacks were ignored or swatted at by previous administrations (imagine bombing an aspirin factory as a response).
The Democrats recognized this was a war when it came time to be counted in the Congress when they voted to support our President's plans in Iraq. Then immediately started the crawfishing in the news. The American public recognized this and demonstrated their understanding on November 2, 2004.
"The policy is ridiculous," Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts said.
One of Kennedy's concerns was Bush's decision to launch an invasion of Iraq while Osama bin Laden, the terrorist leader behind the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, remained free.
Kennedy and the rest of his crowd still believe the response of the United States should have been a an all-out law enforcement action. They want us to capture, bring to trial, convict/acquit and punish/release the identified purpetrators of terrorist violence. (But didn't they howl when the American Patriot Act was enacted to do just that?)
WAKE UP! Terrorist violence is not a merely a crime, it is an on going war against the United States. The terrorist violence of Sept 11, 2001 was one of MANY attacks on the United States. The earlier attacks were ignored or swatted at by previous administrations (imagine bombing an aspirin factory as a response).
The Democrats recognized this was a war when it came time to be counted in the Congress when they voted to support our President's plans in Iraq. Then immediately started the crawfishing in the news. The American public recognized this and demonstrated their understanding on November 2, 2004.