How can the Democrats remain so stupid?


Lovin' being Texican
Not only do the Democrats not get it, neither do the bloggers.

"The policy is ridiculous," Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts said.

One of Kennedy's concerns was Bush's decision to launch an invasion of Iraq while Osama bin Laden, the terrorist leader behind the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, remained free.

Kennedy and the rest of his crowd still believe the response of the United States should have been a an all-out law enforcement action. They want us to capture, bring to trial, convict/acquit and punish/release the identified purpetrators of terrorist violence. (But didn't they howl when the American Patriot Act was enacted to do just that?)

WAKE UP! Terrorist violence is not a merely a crime, it is an on going war against the United States. The terrorist violence of Sept 11, 2001 was one of MANY attacks on the United States. The earlier attacks were ignored or swatted at by previous administrations (imagine bombing an aspirin factory as a response).

The Democrats recognized this was a war when it came time to be counted in the Congress when they voted to support our President's plans in Iraq. Then immediately started the crawfishing in the news. The American public recognized this and demonstrated their understanding on November 2, 2004.


Dancing Up A Storm
And, now there is some concern that there is domestic terrorism here at home -with an alleged attack on a Christian family from a Muslim group.

What's it going to take to bring Democrats around to the fact that it can, and maybe just does occur in these United States?

We are so worried about a major event, like 9/11 happenening all over again, that we possibly are disregarding the lower-level attacks?


I saw Kennedy on Face The Nation Sunday, and he put his foot in his mouth again. He was trying to bash Bush, and he brought the paying for support for the No Child Left Behind act. He was saying how awful it was to have people out there supporting that bill, despite the fact that he co-authored it and made a big play out of working with Bush to get it passed.


Super Genius
Penn said:
And, now there is some concern that there is domestic terrorism here at home -with an alleged attack on a Christian family from a Muslim group.
I wonder if that would also count as a hate crime? Probably not since they are attacking Christians. :ohwell:


24/7 Single Dad
In an interview with the Washington Post on Sunday, Bush was asked why no one in his administration had been held accountable for perceived missteps on Iraq policy, including being wrong about weapons of mass destruction.
I've got to keep wondering why so many people think all the intel was wrong about the WMDs since the U.S. set up their bio/chem weapon manufacturing to help Saddam fight the Iranians.


New Member
aps45819 said:
I've got to keep wondering why so many people think all the intel was wrong about the WMDs since the U.S. set up their bio/chem weapon manufacturing to help Saddam fight the Iranians.
Intel the rest of the world had and CONFIRMED!!! Now they want to single Bush out??? DUHHHHHH...HELLO??????? :deadhorse


Dancing Up A Storm
Mikeinsmd said:
Intel the rest of the world had and CONFIRMED!!! Now they want to single Bush out??? DUHHHHHH...HELLO??????? :deadhorse
So, starting today, I heard Condi Rice will be going before a Senate Confirmation Panel, to be accepted for her position of Secretary of State.

What are the odds this question will get asked? :ohwell:


Here's Kennedy's response to a question about his reactions to Bush's plans to change Social Security -

"Well, there's a number of reactions. First of all, it seems that this administration tries to make a crisis on any political problem. We've got a crisis in Social Security, in the funding and the financing which we don't. We have a crisis in the medical malpractice as the cost for health care and it's not there. If the president wanted to really do something in terms of the health care, they could have signed the Patients Bill of Rights and provided more protection for people and to deal with this kind of malpractices unless it's $2 out of every dollar.

"So now we have the crisis in terms of the funding of Social Security that is non-existent. It's solid till 2042. And without any help, it'll be able to continue to 2075 with three-quarters of the benefits if there was going to be no help and assistance to it. All you have to do is raise the payroll tax on that and that would solve most of the kind of a problem that you'd have, other kinds of ways to dealing with it. And that is certainly somthing we ought to think about."

Is this guy out of touch or what??? The party of not wanting to pass down deficits or a dirty environment to our kids is suddenly more than happy to stick them with the bill for paying for today's social security. And so what if they're only going to get 75% of the benefits today's seniors are getting. Too bad for them. And if our kids don't like getting fewer benefits, we can always raise the payroll tax! I can't believe he's got such a cavalier approach to this!

Then, he says there's no problem with malpractice insurance! Kennedy is quickly becoming the Democratic Iraqi government information minister... "There are no problems here!"

By the way... take a read of the way that Kennedy was speaking. It was bordering on being incoherent. He better never criticize Bush's speaking ability.


New Member
Bruzilla said:
By the way... take a read of the way that Kennedy was speaking. It was bordering on being incoherent. He better never criticize Bush's speaking ability.

Erra...erra....erra.... It's haad to talk when youra, youra, youra 2/3 drunk all the time. :lmao:


Lovin' being Texican
Bruzilla said:
"Well, there's a number of reactions. First of all, it seems that this administration tries to make a crisis on any political problem. We've got a crisis in Social Security, in the funding and the financing which we don't. We have a crisis in the medical malpractice as the cost for health care and it's not there. If the president wanted to really do something in terms of the health care, they could have signed the Patients Bill of Rights and provided more protection for people and to deal with this kind of malpractices unless it's $2 out of every dollar.

I used to serve drinks in my dad's bar back home. This is the typical rambling of someone who's had three drinks in the past two hours. Teddy's tipping the Schnapps again!


Dancing Up A Storm
I just ran across this article posted on a conservative newssite. Townhall.

"For more than a year, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and other official boosters had rhapsodized about the riches the city would pile up when 35,000 free-spending conventioneers came to town. The $50 million it would cost to mount the convention, they confidently declared, would generate an economic gain of $150 million.
Boston would bask in free publicity worth hundreds of millions more. Merchandise would fly off retailers' shelves, restaurants would be jammed, and vendors large and small would profit from doing business with the DNC. Cooler heads warned that this was pie in the sky, that big conventions rarely live up to their promoters' hype. The Beacon Hill Institute, an economic think tank at Suffolk University, calculated that when the cost of road closings, lost productivity, and cancellations was accounted for, the net result might well be a multimillion-dollar loss. Responded Boston 2004, the convention committee run by Menino's allies: "We're having the convention. Lighten up and enjoy it."

Anybody want to guess what happened in the aftermath?


Lenny said:
I used to serve drinks in my dad's bar back home. This is the typical rambling of someone who's had three drinks in the past two hours. Teddy's tipping the Schnapps again!

I was wondering if that could have been the problem, because sitting there listening to him it was just unbelieveable. The things he was saying were bad enough, but the way that he was saying them, and getting his statements all confused... I just had to wonder.