How do you get a doctor in Saint Mary's County?


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Or it's a savings thing, find something wrong with you and fix it before it becomes worse and more expensive.

Well, it is all based on the individual. Meaning only you can determine your present state of health, and your past health history. If one is truly concerned about their health at any given moment, then by all means, satisfy your conscience, your inner voice, and see a doctor. Absent any concerns, there is most likely no need.

Ask yourself; Do I eat right, healthy natural foods? Do I exercise enough? Even walking an hour a day is exercise. Do I drink enough water? Do I feel fine? Etc.. Only you know the overall state of your being. It's up to you to decide when to see a doctor, not the other way around.

In the past, seeing a doctor regularly was not really a thing because people took care of themselves. Saving doctor visits for more serious issues. Today though, the system uses fear, doubt, and uncertainty along with pushing all the 'must have' vaccines to ostensibly prevent illness, to create anxiety in people thereby feeding the system. It's always the "what if" syndrome that they use to create doubt to scare people into visiting a doctor. Of course doctors today never advise simple exercise or a change of diet for proper nutrition to alleviate health issues. If they did that they would be out of the "health care" business. Of which, "health care" rests with the individual themselves.

As always, your mileage may vary.


the poor dad
One of our esteemed community leaders here in Ridge passed away last week while in a hospital. The day before he passed, he made the comment that he had only been in the hospital 3 times his entire life - once when he was born, once for some minor issue, and last week was the 3rd time. He had never spent the night in the hospital until last week, when he died at the age of 96!! NINETY SIX!


Well-Known Member
I see a group of young nurse practitioners working under Jamie Boyd, on Miss Bessie Drive behind the hospital. Really like all of them a lot. And they have an on site lab. My primary is a young local girl. I'm very happy there.
Thanks for the tip! Snagged an appoint w/them on May 6th - think I'll be a lot more comfortable there then I would have at the Urgent Care on Great Mills. My heart doc is in the building so I'm familiar with the place.


Well-Known Member
One of our esteemed community leaders here in Ridge passed away last week while in a hospital. The day before he passed, he made the comment that he had only been in the hospital 3 times his entire life - once when he was born, once for some minor issue, and last week was the 3rd time. He had never spent the night in the hospital until last week, when he died at the age of 96!! NINETY SIX!
Cullison? Lost more than a few of them this last year or so. Good people.
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