Hold for pole
I'm am NOT touching this pole
Hold for pole
I'm hungry :grumblegrumble:
Me2. And this jerk I work with had to bring in a freaking Grilled Reuben Panini from McKay's and didn't offer to get me one.
Bring windex for the mirror.
I'm hungry :grumblegrumble:
I can't believe Morningbell told you my mirrors were dusty!
Be back in two hours
I bought a tomato and waited 4DAYS for it to ripen up enough to eat it... I couldn't wait any longer so I had a tomato sammich on wheat bread with mayo and cheese and lots of pepper.. It was good, but not great, so I ate the last piece of cake too
I'm going to clean mirrors and windows now...
psst she is talkin bout Roses
psst she is talkin bout Roses
Hold for pole
Hold for pole
Does Uncle Rico think I look fat in this? I think I look hot!