but in reality? My opinon does not affect them at all. Not one little bit.
That's a good point

but in reality? My opinon does not affect them at all. Not one little bit.
then guns dont affect people that dont own them, swearing, or nude in public etc.. nothing affects you unless you are forced to partake in the activity? this what you are telling me?
The fact that they are pushing for one more thing each time they get something?
Sorry, they have to be held back before they reach their final goal.
but in reality? My opinon does not affect them at all. Not one little bit.
Is that the same reason you often denegrate blacks and hispanics? So they can be held back before reaching their final goal?
I do see idiots like bcp as causing the depression and suicides but the world is crammed full of such opposition to the homosexuality.
I do agree with that LINK which says that the homosexual lifestyle does lead to depression and to substance abuse and to suicides.
It was done in secret because in secret is where it forms and grows, by bringing out the homosexual is what causes them to self destruct.
So you are of the opinion that being gay makes you depressed. It has nothing to do with dealing with the portion of society that hates you? Or that (for some) they may not feel like they belong anywhere? Or that (some) people will judge you no matter what? Or that when they came out, some family/friends stopped talking to you?
I'm just trying to make sure I'm 100% clear on your position here.
And people are supposed to just trust them? The data need not include names, just the data. Where did they get their sample? What are the life experiences of the sample?
Remember, correlation doesn't imply causation. My favorite is that ice cream causes rape (more ice cream is sold in the summer, reports of rape tend to rise in the summer...).
Not to mention discriminatory.
College to Ask About Sexual Orientation | NBC Chicago
Yeah, because college campuses all across America are so closed to gays.
The point of - "Don't ask and Don't tell" in that this was a way of protecting the persons based on their sexual orientation, but now they can ask and if one does not tell then it can be considered as a lie or even as perjury.
The outspoken celebrities like Lady Gaga and others who demanded the end for "Don't ask / Don't tell" did not know what they were actually doing to real live people in the ranks who do not want to be asked and do not want to tell.
Link = Study: Homosexual lifestyle strongly linked to depression, suicide (OneNewsNow.com)
JPC, I'm in awe. That is a fabulous observation.![]()
Of course such things have a big influence on the depression, whether for homosexuals or for anyone else.
If one wants to buck the social system then they will face the harsh consequences.
I get that kind of treatment just for being anti Child Support, so now if I turned homosexual then I could expect even more or even worse.
I believe in bucking the system, but only if one can take the counter punches.
VoteJP said:Your question does not make any sense, and I do not mean any disrespect in saying this as I see it as incoherent.
Fortunately I do believe I know what you getting at.
The data on the link I gave is irrelevant even though I see it as correct and true.
The evidence is in that homosexuals declare that their sexuality is NOT a choice, and as such their own words denounce their life style.
Within law enforcement (jails and probation) the Psychologist and Counselors (and interested persons like myself) try to reform the criminals, and the single most effective way is to tell or teach the person that they do have other choices. Whenever a person says they have no choice, and very many say they have no choice, then that is the sign of dysfunction and of the need for options.
Truly people as drug addicts and prostitutes and thieves and assorted deviants say they have no choice in their activity and they can not stop because they are trapped.
So when a homosexual says they are their way and they have no choice and that it is not a choice then that makes it into a dysfunction which needs to be cured.
Some few people do say they are homosexual because they chose it, and we like people making their own life choices because freedom means having options.
I myself (as could anyone) could chose to be celebrate or be promiscuous or homosexual or be whatever because I am free to chose, so I like being heterosexual and I like the Ladies, but we all still do have the option of choosing otherwise.
That means statistics or correlations do not mean anything when a person declares them self as trapped or not free to choose.
Posted by: William R. Smith · Top Commenter · Industrial and Mfg. Engineer at Self Employed Contractor
who would have ever thought you can earn a Bachelor's degree for taking it up the Hershey Highway....
79 · Like· Reply · Yesterday at 8:09am
Does this college offer a degree in Proctology?
Ooooh...so you're one of those that believe homosexuals CHOSE to be attracted to members of the same sex rather than member of the opposite sex?
I can certainly see the number of persons claiming to be gay going up if it increases the chance of admission. Race and gender are fairly easy to verify, but who's going to try to "prove" if someone is gay?
I think this is just an opportunity for people to come together in a safe community. If you think they are not discriminated against, please look up the Defense of Marriage Act.
VoteJP said:Ooooh...so you're one of those that believe homosexuals CHOSE to be attracted to members of the same sex rather than member of the opposite sex?
That is not really what I said, but I do know this is a sensitive subject in so many ways.
What I am saying is that having a choice and being able to chose is what makes a person free and healthy.
As like in 'Alcoholics Anonymous' there are some people who can not drink because the drinking controls the person.
Most people chose to drink because they like the booze and its associated pleasures and it is a free will choice.
But when a person declare that they have to drink and they can not stop and their choices are so limited then that makes it into a dysfunction.
If a person wants to be a homosexual and chooses that way then go for it and be proud of your choice. But if some one is a homosexual because they feel they have no choice and that they were born that way then that is a huge big burden to carry and it is very often the fuel for their deep depression and it leads to suicides because they feel trapped.
Dumbledore said to Harry Potter near the end of the 'Chamber of Secrets' that: it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
People that chose are expressing their own desires, those that do not chose are just reacting.
Do you feel trapped because you're a heterosexual? You did you make a conscience decision about that?
VoteJP said:Do you feel trapped because you're a heterosexual? You did you make a conscience decision about that?
Of course I am a heterosexual because I want to be so, and I very much like the Ladies.
I might see marriage as a type of trap, even if it might be a pleasant sort of trapping, and having a baby by being heterosexual could be seen as another trap, but I see babies as a blessing from God whether it be a trap or not, and it is the gov and the laws which make so marriage and parenting are turned into legal traps that hurt heterosexuals but that is not a natural trap.
If one were truly concerned then one might ask why do homosexuals feel trapped? why is the suicide and homicide rate so high when they feel there is no other way out?
No one ever put homosexuals into the closet, as they went to the closet as their own chosen sanctuary.
You didn't answer my question so I didn't read the rest of your response. Did you make a conscience decision to like women rather than men?