How long is too long


Well-Known Member
When you start changing colors, yellow or green, it's usually an indication of a bacterial or fungal infection.

Greeeeeeeeat. I've had sinus pains and my riht ear feels like it's filled with fluid, I can't hear out of the damn thing at all. :ohwell: Falling apart...


New Member
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warneckutz said:
When you start changing colors, yellow or green, it's usually an indication of a bacterial or fungal infection.

Greeeeeeeeat. I've had sinus pains and my riht ear feels like it's filled with fluid, I can't hear out of the damn thing at all. :ohwell: Falling apart...

that's how I was. I seriously had a new symptom every day. yellow, green, and brown mucus. I hate pills and rarley goto the dr, but because gf had it for so long I went.


Well-Known Member
Greeeeeeeeat. I've had sinus pains and my riht ear feels like it's filled with fluid, I can't hear out of the damn thing at all. :ohwell: Falling apart...

Don't take a chance with that hearing. If you can't hear now, you have otitis media serous (or fluid build up behind the ear drum). Your ear drum could rupture. Go see the doc now!


Well-Known Member
Don't take a chance with that hearing. If you can't hear now, you have otitis media serous (or fluid build up behind the ear drum). Your ear drum could rupture. Go see the doc now!

I went to see the doc last night... Bronchitis :ohwell:. I told them I needed to be back to 100% ASAP and they gave me a prescription for a ton of stuff... I have no clue what year it is at the moment but I feel better and I'm in noooooooo pain.


aka Mrs. Giant

Everybody should just PM SoMDGirl42 with their health concerns from here on out. I know I will. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I went to see the doc last night... Bronchitis :ohwell:. I told them I needed to be back to 100% ASAP and they gave me a prescription for a ton of stuff... I have no clue what year it is at the moment but I feel better and I'm in noooooooo pain.

Everybody should just PM SoMDGirl42 with their health concerns from here on out. I know I will. :lol:

At my last job they gave me the nickname Doc. They even gave me a stuffed "Doc" from Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. It was all fun and games until the owner of the company strolled into my office and shut the door. It seems he had a medical problem the doctor couldn't figure out. I told him what they needed to test him for, and I'll be darn if I didn't get that the right too! and I didn't even get a raise for it. :killingme


Sweet and Innocent
Still clear, but I sure do have a LOT of it. Is it possible for snot to come out your ears? :confused:

I had to look up "productive cough". :stupid: and that's why I :love: you.

No, I am not being productive in my coughing other than aggravating everyone around me. I'll pick up some zyrtec on the way home. Thanks. :huggy:

That's sound like "sinus infection" even though it is "clear" when you are blowing your nose. I had sinus infection so bad that they were coming out of the corner of my eyes and ears as well.

Have you been to the doctor yet?


aka Mrs. Giant
That's sound like "sinus infection" even though it is "clear" when you are blowing your nose. I had sinus infection so bad that they were coming out of the corner of my eyes and ears as well.

Have you been to the doctor yet?

Allll Strawberry - read the whole tread. Dr. SoMdGirl fixed me right up.

Callie girl

New Member
I got over my cold but have had the lingering cough for almost a week now and I want it to go away. My head and chest hurt from coughing so much. :ohwell:


aka Mrs. Giant
I got over my cold but have had the lingering cough for almost a week now and I want it to go away. My head and chest hurt from coughing so much. :ohwell:

I was the same way and I'm still coughing a little bit, but within 24 hours on that zyrtec - I am amazed at how much better I am feeling and doing. It's in the allergy section and it was a little pricey in comparison, but I was willing to try anything. I got the zyrtec-d version as that one advertised all the symptoms I was suffering from. $15.

Hope you feel better soon, cause I know feeling bad sucks. :flowers: