How long...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah, they're getting ready to find out what divorced and bitter is. Equality! :lol:

I say that partly in jest because, certainly, there are going to be wonderful success's as well. My brother just got hitched. I simply couldn't make it and regret not going but, as we all knew it would be, it was a fabulous service and great time.


b*tch rocket
Good thread! Interesting to hear everyone's stories!

Started dating June 1st 2013 he officially moved in March 2014. If we'd have had the option we'd have probably shacked up very shortly after the first date. His kid needed to finish up his Senior year of high school. Got engaged in October. We'll get hitched at some point. Whenever we feel like it. Which is how we do everything. :yay:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Started dating June 1st 2013 he officially moved in March 2014. If we'd have had the option we'd have probably shacked up very shortly after the first date. His kid needed to finish up his Senior year of high school. Got engaged in October. We'll get hitched at some point. Whenever we feel like it. Which is how we do everything. :yay:

:yahoo: You have a keeper!


not impressed
My wife and I met at an after work function eight years ago. We crashed at her friends house that night, she stayed with me off an on until I relocated to Houston three months later. She moved with me to there, and two more places after that.

Homer J

Power Chord
I drove a friend home one weekend to see his wife. They set us up on a blind date. Got pretty hot and heavy that first night but the next time I saw her, we slowed it way down. We had a long distance (about 6 hours away the first couple months and then 8 hours away) relationship, where I saw her about one weekend a month, for about a year. In that time, we got engaged, set a wedding date, and then she met my family. After a whole week together at my family's home, I asked to move the wedding date up by over a year. That was almost 26 years ago.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure if my wife (then girlfriend) was all that interested in me after a few weeks until she mentioned she had called it off with her previous boyfriend.
I always wanted to keep seeing her, but I wasn't sure until then. After that, we were a permanent item.


PREMO Member
1st date consisted of me hanging out while she worked her 2nd JOB on a Sat. Night at a Bowling Alley ....

after a few beers and a pile of wings,
the alley cleared out - it was closing time ... I got to stay ....
the manager queued up a lane and we bowled a couple of games ....

sat in her Explorer talking for several more hours
... finally @ 5 back to her place, I crashed on the couch and off to pick up my kids for Sunday visit

- for her no alarm bells going off ... she was 5 yrs out of an abusive relationship with a drug addict and there for very cautious

back the next weekend for round 2
... we dated steadily until summer ....
... I moved in for a few months - I had several Electrical JOBS in the Gaithersburg area and it was easier to drive from her place 10 min instead of Ft Washington 50 Plus
... neither of us believe in that 'live together' b4 marriage, so when the summer was over I moved back out

we discussed marriage, but neither was financial stable ... so we could not see starting a marriage on a bad foundation .... who knew ....

... we dated another 4 yrs ... in 2005 she was between JOBS and pregnant - she moved in here ....
... in May 06 after the baby was born we got married [we waited because of insurance coverage]

this May will make 15 yrs knowing each other / 9 yrs of Marriage .... we still make each other laugh, and flirt and hug and tickle .....


mama to two
1st date consisted of me hanging out while she worked her 2nd JOB on a Sat. Night at a Bowling Alley ....

after a few beers and a pile of wings,
the alley cleared out - it was closing time ... I got to stay ....
the manager queued up a lane and we bowled a couple of games ....

sat in her Explorer talking for several more hours
... finally @ 5 back to her place, I crashed on the couch and off to pick up my kids for Sunday visit

- for her no alarm bells going off ... she was 5 yrs out of an abusive relationship with a drug addict and there for very cautious

back the next weekend for round 2
... we dated steadily until summer ....
... I moved in for a few months - I had several Electrical JOBS in the Gaithersburg area and it was easier to drive from her place 10 min instead of Ft Washington 50 Plus
... neither of us believe in that 'live together' b4 marriage, so when the summer was over I moved back out

we discussed marriage, but neither was financial stable ... so we could not see starting a marriage on a bad foundation .... who knew ....

... we dated another 4 yrs ... in 2005 she was between JOBS and pregnant - she moved in here ....
... in May 06 after the baby was born we got married [we waited because of insurance coverage]

this May will make 15 yrs knowing each other / 9 yrs of Marriage .... we still make each other laugh, and flirt and hug and tickle .....

I like your story.


Well-Known Member
1st date consisted of me hanging out while she worked her 2nd JOB on a Sat. Night at a Bowling Alley ....

after a few beers and a pile of wings,
the alley cleared out - it was closing time ... I got to stay ....
the manager queued up a lane and we bowled a couple of games ....

sat in her Explorer talking for several more hours
... finally @ 5 back to her place, I crashed on the couch and off to pick up my kids for Sunday visit

- for her no alarm bells going off ... she was 5 yrs out of an abusive relationship with a drug addict and there for very cautious

back the next weekend for round 2
... we dated steadily until summer ....
... I moved in for a few months - I had several Electrical JOBS in the Gaithersburg area and it was easier to drive from her place 10 min instead of Ft Washington 50 Plus
... neither of us believe in that 'live together' b4 marriage, so when the summer was over I moved back out

we discussed marriage, but neither was financial stable ... so we could not see starting a marriage on a bad foundation .... who knew ....

... we dated another 4 yrs ... in 2005 she was between JOBS and pregnant - she moved in here ....
... in May 06 after the baby was born we got married [we waited because of insurance coverage]

this May will make 15 yrs knowing each other / 9 yrs of Marriage .... we still make each other laugh, and flirt and hug and tickle .....

That's awesome. :yay: You don't hear things like that too often anymore.