How low will a dog groomer go?


Well-Known Member
SouthernMdRocks said:
Now that is awful, who was this groomer to avoid?
It was several years ago, I believe the name was Lori Bee's or something like that. She was located in the same building as the old K-Mart (before it moved), across from the deli that isn't there anymore, beside the pet store that went out of business, behind the McDonalds that they just closed down, across the street from Rosie's Place before the truck went through and closed them down.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
krazd_kat said:
Still in business, now in the area by Mikes Bikes - Still the place to avoid.
That place is filthy, filthy. I went there to get mealworms for the bluebirds and gagged at the smell.


Does my butt look big?
Ok I am ready to post on this...

I find this very very hard to believe. I saw the video..there was NO scissoring done on the face or cheeks for the scissors to hit the ear...Now when scissoring the left cheek (on the side the ear was cut) when scissoring there you would take your left hand over the dogs head..flip the ear back over the head and hold it there while dont scissor while the ear is flapping..

And have you ever seen a teeny tiny nick on a ear?? I have and it will bleed like can not tell me this lady (groomer) could get a cut off ear to quit bleeding enough to super glue it back on and not have oozing out blood all over the place..the dog would have been would have been shaking its head..ear would have fallen off then would have been a damm mess..I honestly cant see getting it on and passing it to an owner..

Also she should have rushed it to a vet if that really happened...years ago when I was learning I slid a pair of scissors behind an ear to get a knot out...MISTAKE...slit right down the back of the ear and I had to take it in for stitches...horrible...the worst feeling you will ever have...

Learn though only clippers behind ears for knots...

They are animals..they do move..most do not cooperate and you are usually working with power tools around must must be very carefull...but stuff happens..but this is almost the worst I have seen...other then putting a dryer on and killing an animal...

Anyway I feel this would have been hard to pull off


jazz lady said:
Well, DUH. :rolleyes: I can't believe a dog gets his ear chopped off and just stands around while someone superglues the ear back on. :dork:

speak up I could not hear ya I lost my ear :lmao: