black dog

Free America
Even then tough. I like the in person early voting, go in the prior week just in case you have an emergency that pops up on election day.
I dont like the cost of any early voting.
Im in a town of 4,800 people. We have had early voting since Oct 12th. I voted on Friday and There were two of us voting at lunch time.
There were eight paid poll workers sitting with most surfing the web.
Before all this we had three polling places in town with maybe six workers for a day each.
Its more fleecing of Americas Taxpayers.


Well-Known Member
Already voted. Also worked as election judge. We ask for party affiliation during the primary because you can only vote for your party's candidates during the primary. You can vote for whoever is left during the general election so nobody should be asked about their party. The Voter Authorization Card (VAC) is printed during check in and shows your party affiliation because it's a system purchased from the lowest bidder and always shows the party. Asking for ID is illegal in Maryland except during voter registration.


Well-Known Member
I dont like the cost of any early voting.
Im in a town of 4,800 people. We have had early voting since Oct 12th. I voted on Friday and There were two of us voting at lunch time.
There were eight paid poll workers sitting with most surfing the web.
Before all this we had three polling places in town with maybe six workers for a day each.
Its more fleecing of Americas Taxpayers.
Yes, I concede the extra cost. Having the multiple day window, including the weekends gives the people the opportunity to vote who may be out of state or working a chance to vote. You may save some by eliminating the mail-in processing and counting and the results would be in by morning.


Well-Known Member
Requiring an ID is oppression of the underprivileged according to the dimwitocrats



They call me ... Sarcasmo
By law, St. Mary's County is required to have 2 early voting sites, we have 3. Early voting sites are expensive and they are unfunded state mandates so the money to run them comes directly from the county.

black dog

Free America
By law, St. Mary's County is required to have 2 early voting sites, we have 3. Early voting sites are expensive and they are unfunded state mandates so the money to run them comes directly from the local taxpayer..

black dog

Free America
And yet, we can't ask them for that ID when they vote
Out here unless you show valid ID your not voting. The girl that has checked my ID for the last 3 elections lives across the street and down one house from me.
I still have to show ID and my signature needs to match the signature in her book of residents.


Well-Known Member
I sort of like the idea of early voting, but it's a little ridiculous. I know my job is supposed to allow me time to vote, but the flight schedule doesnt care about that and neither do the popup trips that are "the number 1 priority for the Navy"


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The wife and I went to vote at 10am. I figured I'd stay away from the morning, lunchtime, and evening rushes. I was very surprised when I pulled up to Piney Point ES and saw the line to vote running outside. It took about 30 minutes to vote.
I was thinking maybe I was seeing the local version of the red wave. Then it dawned on my driving back to the office that two years ago, SMC consolidated the polling locations at Piney Point ES and Valley Lee VFD. I think the gym at Piney Point ES is smaller than the hall at the old Valley Lee VFD.