How Mexico Treats Illegal Immigrants

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
And you seem to have forgotten the difference between getting a green card and becoming a citizen, even though we went over it several times.

...let's split some more hairs! If my ever so faulty memory is working, it said that when netting out the numbers, those who come, those who leave and those who die, there's a net gain of some 900,000 and most tend to STAY.

So, let's spend all our energy on semanitcs and specificity so there's nothing left for actually doing anything about the problems. That's probably how we got here in the first place.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
2A, that's sweet of you to take up for me, but I don't really care what Midnight "thinks". His MO is to take benign statements, blow them completely out of proportion, rearrange them to suit himself, then either A, call you a racist or B, tell you you're not being very Christian.

That's not something I want to spend a lot of time on.
your statements are only benign to a few.

and i can count on one hand the number of times i have accused someone of being a racist, but it must be hitting really close to home with you or it wouldn't bother you so much
now you can get back to :lalala: and spewing your benign statements

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If that is truly...

am not asking for all illegal immigrants to become citizens. I am asking for them to get their work Visa so that they are legally documented for working in the US. It's not that difficult to do, and thousands of people do it every year.

...all you want, then why won't you take 'yes' for an answer?

It is agreed by ALL that they are illegal. There will NOT be agreement on the severity of that crime but there is agreement that different crimes merit different punishement even to the point of doing nothing. Views will differ but you cannot have everyone view everything the same. So, a consensus will have to do.

There is widespread concern that we do not have enough (or any at all) of a handle on the problem and while terms like 'citizen' and 'guest worker' and 'green cards' and 'naturalization' are all part of the equation, they are way down stream from the primary problem of ILLEGAL, uncontrolled entry. Fighting over the leaks is to ignore the gaping hole. If 'visa' is the main issue here, let's focus on it.

Having said that, most people are going to think of someone who has been here for quite some time as eventually becoming what we think of as American citizens, even if it's the next or later generations.

Having said that, we must stop being distracted from the larger picture by squabbles over the peripheral issues or nothing will get done, at least nothing effective.

I've already offered up my olive branch and I want to see consensus on the proper course of action and demand that action on the part of our governments, state and local. If I keep getting hit with that branch because my views are not perfeclty in line, it will keep us divided and you can persue your quest for ideological purity having won your battle while losing the war.

I can't give you my hand if you won't take it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
I can't give you my hand if you won't take it.
That's because it's a trick. The minute I take your hand and agree to sing Kumbaya with you, you'll start in again about how ALL immigrants are just sweet innocent future Americans and it will ruin the economy if we make them get legal. And when I protest, you'll say, "But you just agreed with me!!!"

I've played this game before. :bonk:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
That's because it's a trick. The minute I take your hand and agree to sing Kumbaya with you, you'll start in again about how ALL immigrants are just sweet innocent future Americans and it will ruin the economy if we make them get legal. And when I protest, you'll say, "But you just agreed with me!!!"

I've played this game before. :bonk:

...take my hand in unity so that we may show our brown brothers the error of their ways. We, only together, can get US employers to actually care about checking references and documentation. United, we stand a chance, but just a chance, of getting our elected officials to see that law, the rule of law is the only thing, the only path to freedom and equality.

We cannot let this moment pass. We must seize the initiative so that every man, woman and child will know the new phrase of freedom, the call sign of liberty, the greeting of a brave, new world;

"Papers, please!'

Say it with me! Say it! All together now! Onward to that shining house on the hill with the card reader security gate, forward to that new dawn of a new day of documentation verifiability, put forth effort to achieve the dream of one day being able to prove that we are all playing by the same rules!

Up with ID! Down with illegality!
