How much do u pay for daycare?


New Member
I think everyone has some good points here. Some think it is no big deal to getting licensed. But, it is... Some of the regulations are good some are "like what idiot came up with that". Again, a piece of paper does not make someone a good provider. Of course they show all the bad things... But, out of the bad providers there are some great and loving providers out there and they never get credit. Real shame... Now lets talk about the cost a provider must go through. Like each and everyone of us things have gone sky high. Providers cost have gone up too. Just because we are home doesn't mean we don't pay either. The inspections are going up every year, classes are going up too.. Then you have wear and tear on your home... Heating and cooling, food, toys, blah blah blah.. We all have it I know but, no one thinks about that when you talk about what you pay for good childcare. I have never given my families an increase. I know it is my fault but, I know their cost are going crazy too. But, please don't say it is not that hard and it is worth it.. Cause you know sometimes it isn't for the provider. When you hear people say "oh they are making a killing in daycare" or "wish I had you job all you do is sit down and watch kids how hard is that" Take my place for one day and you will understand... It isn't an easy job and we don't make fortunes doing it... The government is making it harder for us and alot of good people are leaving this profession... It is a shame.. I hope everyone here has a good provider and treats their children as well as they expect their provider to treat them. If you do have a good provider please give them a pat on the back and say thank you...


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I think everyone has some good points here. Some think it is no big deal to getting licensed. But, it is... Some of the regulations are good some are "like what idiot came up with that". Again, a piece of paper does not make someone a good provider. Of course they show all the bad things... But, out of the bad providers there are some great and loving providers out there and they never get credit. Real shame... Now lets talk about the cost a provider must go through. Like each and everyone of us things have gone sky high. Providers cost have gone up too. Just because we are home doesn't mean we don't pay either. The inspections are going up every year, classes are going up too.. Then you have wear and tear on your home... Heating and cooling, food, toys, blah blah blah.. We all have it I know but, no one thinks about that when you talk about what you pay for good childcare. I have never given my families an increase. I know it is my fault but, I know their cost are going crazy too. But, please don't say it is not that hard and it is worth it.. Cause you know sometimes it isn't for the provider. When you hear people say "oh they are making a killing in daycare" or "wish I had you job all you do is sit down and watch kids how hard is that" Take my place for one day and you will understand... It isn't an easy job and we don't make fortunes doing it... The government is making it harder for us and alot of good people are leaving this profession... It is a shame.. I hope everyone here has a good provider and treats their children as well as they expect their provider to treat them. If you do have a good provider please give them a pat on the back and say thank you...
Don't get me wrong, I never said it was an easy job. It's not. Nor is it easy to keep up on all the details, new regulations, new ideas in education and childcare. It's not easy being a GOOD childcare provider. But saying that getting the license itself is difficult is :bs: It's a copout for lazy people. Those same lazy people who claim that they can provide better care without a license then with one, when they can't even get off their ass to fill out the paperwork.


New Member
Water check $80. Fire inspection $40. Licensing home inspection: free. You may have to burn one day of leave for each. Medical forms can be filled out based on your regular annual check-up at no additional cost. CPR & First Aid class free for daycare providers through St. Mary's Hospital, offered evenings and weekends. Orientation classes free and offered in the evenings. Join the local Daycare professional association for $20-$25 per year (depending on county) and get 20-26 hours of free training per a hurry and can't wait to take classes once per month? There is a grant through College of Southern Maryland that offers some classes for $10 each for 2-3 hours and the Childcare resource center charges $15 for 2 hours.

Total cost of a daycare license: $140 - $235. Charge for one week of care for one infant: $150 - $225.

Plus it is possible to get up to $400 from the state to reimburse for additional training, plus up to $1000 per year from the state for going above and beyond training requirements. Plus most providers can write off approximately a third of their mortgage, property taxes and utilities as a business expense, in addition to things like training, inspection fees, new toys, art supplies, etc.

I take it that maybe you are in the childcare business? Let me just say this it may look simple to you but, it really isn't that simple.. Our lives are not all about our childcare business. People have lives beyond childcare. Not everyone can join clubs and go to college classes. If you are in childcare than I tip my hat to you and say you are a super person. I think that anyone you had in your care would be a lucky child....


Well-Known Member
Just because someone complains of the state taking over the responsibility of parents does not mean they don't care about children. Don't put words in my mouth or just assume because I think the process is a little overboard that I am a horrible person. I just think that parents need to take the responsiblity themselves to check out their providers and not leave it up to the state. Some people want the government to do everything for them. One day we will wake up and find we have no more rights because we were to lazy in the past to care.

So, you don't agree there should be any regulations for a daycare provider?


New Member
Give my kids enough cookies and they'll be anyone's best friend. :yay:

Mine doesn't need cookies to be your best friend. She loves men, anytime I take her out and she gets loose she runs up to the first sucker and wraps her arms around his legs. I swear she would go home with complete strangers without batting an eye.


Well-Known Member
Mine doesn't need cookies to be your best friend. She loves men, anytime I take her out and she gets loose she runs up to the first sucker and wraps her arms around his legs. I swear she would go home with complete strangers without batting an eye.

My aunt's daschund had a problem with that too.


New Member
I think everyone has some good points here. Some think it is no big deal to getting licensed. But, it is... Some of the regulations are good some are "like what idiot came up with that". Again, a piece of paper does not make someone a good provider. Of course they show all the bad things... But, out of the bad providers there are some great and loving providers out there and they never get credit. Real shame... Now lets talk about the cost a provider must go through. Like each and everyone of us things have gone sky high. Providers cost have gone up too. Just because we are home doesn't mean we don't pay either. The inspections are going up every year, classes are going up too.. Then you have wear and tear on your home... Heating and cooling, food, toys, blah blah blah.. We all have it I know but, no one thinks about that when you talk about what you pay for good childcare. I have never given my families an increase. I know it is my fault but, I know their cost are going crazy too. But, please don't say it is not that hard and it is worth it.. Cause you know sometimes it isn't for the provider. When you hear people say "oh they are making a killing in daycare" or "wish I had you job all you do is sit down and watch kids how hard is that" Take my place for one day and you will understand... It isn't an easy job and we don't make fortunes doing it... The government is making it harder for us and alot of good people are leaving this profession... It is a shame.. I hope everyone here has a good provider and treats their children as well as they expect their provider to treat them. If you do have a good provider please give them a pat on the back and say thank you...

I never said a childcare provider's job was easy, far from it. Only thing I pointed out was they did not have to commute like I do, which is a trade off because the actual working hours of a childcare provider are longer then mine. It takes a special person to be a good childcare provider and I am fortunate that my MIL chose that as her profession and that she provides great care to my little one and her friends.

I don't think the process of becoming a licensed childcare provider is burdensome and would not put my child in the care of someone who was not licensed. To each their own.


New Member
Not only is childcare a tough business.. I know a long commute is hard too. All of us have good things and bad things about our jobs. But, one thing about it we are all important in our own jobs.. We have to take the good and bad. I am really glad you have a someone who takes good care of your precious and most important asset. You can rest easy when you leave them and come home. I just want others to know that there are alot of wonderful providers out here and getting and keeping your license is not easy and it does cost alot... People say they don't think it is a big deal but, it is.. not alot of folks would do our job for the 11 to 14 hours a day for 2$ an hour. That is what some of us make after all is said and done..

You are very lucky and so are your children.. I am glad to see that some parents really care. Some believe it or not just cannot wait to drop their kids off and go back home and go to bed. Believe me in 34 years I have seen it all... Have a great day and thank your MIL today for loving her grandchildren...