How Much Does It Costs to Own a Vagina?


Salt Life
1000 a year for birth control? LOL unless you are speaking about abortion, I dont think so.

BC pills will cost around 45 for three month
however, for 400 or so you can get an IUD, which is more dependable than BC pills and will last up to 12 years
and for 500+ you can get an implant that will last up to 3 years and again, more dependable.

I think you need to check your stats. :eyebrow:


Dream Stealer
Dear slut,

We're trying to leave your uterus alone but you keep insisting on making it our business. Believe me, we'd love nothing more than to stay as far away from your uterus as we can, but when we're paying for it it's common sense for us to have a vested interest.

So if you want us to leave your uterus alone, how's about you stop waving it in our faces and demanding money for its upkeep?


what drives me really crazy is that these women with their ridiculous knitted uterus, and signs and blah blah call themselves feminists. Its freakin outrageous because feminists years ago worked very, very hard to make women be seen as more that just walking vaginas as they were generally these morons are doing their very, very best to revert back to that. I can care for my own vagina, and I certainly do not need to be bringing everyones attention to it on a daily basis.


There are much cheaper brands out there.
Just because you can afford to purchase the name brand that you do, does not mean everyone has to have the same brand.
If they cant afford 1000, a quick search on the internet showed me that you could get them for 1/3 the cost.

I know there are cheaper BC pill brands but I was just addressing your comment about BC not reaching $1000 unless it was an abortion.

The article obviously didn't use the prices of generic BCs for the sake of getting people to read the article with a high number.


In My Opinion
come on chasey, bcp has his own vagina that he regularly buys bc for...he's right. How dare you question him. :lol:

BCP can use the search function on the internet and find out that the article was seriously skewed to make people think BC was much more expensive than it is.
But, certainly, let us not cloud the issue with facts.


New Member
BCP can use the search function on the internet and find out that the article was seriously skewed to make people think BC was much more expensive than it is.
But, certainly, let us not cloud the issue with facts.

you mean like the FACT that BC can cost women more than $1000/year? :whistle:


Active Member
like anything it is all about where your priorities are. My origianal bc cost about 125 a month. When January rolled around and our deductible reset and I have to pay it all out of pocket, of course I found a cheaper one. Yes I would like to of stayed on the other one but it would not be fair for anyone else to pay for it just so I can continue with other luxuries. That being said you would think the cost of bc compared to the cost of having a baby would encourage the insurance companies to encourage bc by lowering the copay.


Lem Putt
You think it's expensive for women to own, try being the guy who leases it! The cost to trade it in for a newer model is outrageous!

Of course, the lease option is usually a lot cheaper than renting it, as those SS agents are now learning.