How much homework do YOU have?


Starting Over
I wish they would start homework right away. Sometimes it's 2-3 weeks.

My oldest son had Math HW to do last night already and had to read for 15 mins. They have to keep a log of their reading time every night, write down what they are reading and do a quick summary of what they read. The Math HW was like a brain teaser.....Had to turn to the internet for that.


Sleep Deprived
We had three or four papers to sign and return. A ton of other crap to read. No fundraiser yet but we have Gianni's for cheerleading.


wandering aimlessly
Oldest had Chem homework that only lasted 10 minutes but I was filling out paperwork for over an hour.


Active Member
I only had a few forms to fill out, but spend about 2 hours getting all notebooks ready. Making sure they were all labeled, had appropriate materials in them, labeled dividers, paper, etc.