How Stupid...


New Member
THEFT: On 7-18, approximately 12:45 PM, a resident of Jacksonville, FL, who was visiting the Cove Point pool, inadvertently left her wedding rings in the locker room. When she returned, the rings, valued at $40,000, had been taken. TPR Laziuck is handling the investigation.

...why would she have taken off these rings? I'd have them welded to my finger!!!!


Little ol' Me
poster said:
THEFT: On 7-18, approximately 12:45 PM, a resident of Jacksonville, FL, who was visiting the Cove Point pool, inadvertently left her wedding rings in the locker room. When she returned, the rings, valued at $40,000, had been taken. TPR Laziuck is handling the investigation.

...why would she have taken off these rings? I'd have them welded to my finger!!!!

Here's your sign. :killingme


100% Goapele Head!
She could be scamming. Hopefully, the rings are insured. I remember seeing a movie or tv show where a woman drowned because her ring got caught in the water drain and she couldn't get it loose. I don't know if rings are safe to swim with but for that price and with that sentiment I would have risked it knowing the chances of a freak asccident were slim.

nobody really

I need a nap
poster said:
THEFT: On 7-18, approximately 12:45 PM, a resident of Jacksonville, FL, who was visiting the Cove Point pool, inadvertently left her wedding rings in the locker room. When she returned, the rings, valued at $40,000, had been taken. TPR Laziuck is handling the investigation.

...why would she have taken off these rings? I'd have them welded to my finger!!!!

I agree!!! when I read that i thought what a dingbat. When i was married i never took my rings off. Its right up there with the woman from north beach who had her blueberry, laptop, and two pairs of sunglasses valued at $700. its a wonder they didn't take her furniture, carpet, bag of $20K that was "left" in her car when it was broken in :lmao:


Lem Putt
poster said:
the rings, valued at $40,000, had been taken.
$40K? :faint:

I can't imagine giving a $40K ring to someone, much less a clueless ditz who would leave it laying around!

Homer J

Power Chord
poster said:
THEFT: On 7-18, approximately 12:45 PM, a resident of Jacksonville, FL, who was visiting the Cove Point pool, inadvertently left her wedding rings in the locker room. When she returned, the rings, valued at $40,000, had been taken. TPR Laziuck is handling the investigation.

They really gonna arrest someone for picking them up? I wonder how a defense of "Finders Keepers" will hold up in court.


Baby blues
$40,000 rings? Well, I'm sure there will be a murder investigation soon stemming from this...once the hubby finds out.


I have been forgetful a couple times. I have left my keys on store shelves and counters, left my purse in a shopping cart, and left my purse in a booth at a restaurant. I have been lucky every time. I go back and an employee is holding it for me. Of course I don't have 40,000 in my purse, but nothing is ever missing


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't believe this story, either. Who the hell wears $40,000 worth of jewelry to the pool??? Paris Hilton?


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
She could be scamming. Hopefully, the rings are insured. I remember seeing a movie or tv show where a woman drowned because her ring got caught in the water drain and she couldn't get it loose. I don't know if rings are safe to swim with but for that price and with that sentiment I would have risked it knowing the chances of a freak asccident were slim.

And they attract pool sharks. Get it POOL SHARKS. I made a funny :lmao: