You're right. At that age, they're not usually reasonable. The evil looks & smack or swat on the hand, leg, will only go so far - depending on the child's will. *Some* children will try, try, try a person's last nerve!
Prevention is usually the best answer. That strap idea sounds like it could work! Good luck. I had a very active, determined, and at times, very strong-willed child. (thank goodness, since he's had many challenges he's had to face) I know how exhausting it can be trying to keep them safe and stay one step ahead of them with babyproofing, etc.
So far, he's been so well behaved & happy. We've considered ourselves very lucky. But it's really starting now.....the determination to get into/out of everything & his hatred of the dreaded word "NO". I'm waiting for that knock on the door from one of Calvert County's finest because the neighbors probably think I'm beating my son based on his screaming when he's told "NO" & taken away from something he needs to stay away from.
I feel that in the car, prevention is the best answer as you said. When he's a little older, he'll be taught why seatbelts are so important. At home, I'll continue with a little prevention and a whole lotta "Cory, No, Cory, I said No. NO!!!" Smack on the hand, followed by "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" from him. I'm not going to beat an 18 month old.