You're right. At that age, they're not usually reasonable. The evil looks & smack or swat on the hand, leg, will only go so far - depending on the child's will. *Some* children will try, try, try a person's last nerve!
Prevention is usually the best answer. That strap idea sounds like it could work! Good luck. I had a very active, determined, and at times, very strong-willed child. (thank goodness, since he's had many challenges he's had to face) I know how exhausting it can be trying to keep them safe and stay one step ahead of them with babyproofing, etc.![]()
So far, he's been so well behaved & happy. We've considered ourselves very lucky. But it's really starting now.....the determination to get into/out of everything & his hatred of the dreaded word "NO".

I feel that in the car, prevention is the best answer as you said. When he's a little older, he'll be taught why seatbelts are so important. At home, I'll continue with a little prevention and a whole lotta "Cory, No, Cory, I said No. NO!!!" Smack on the hand, followed by "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" from him. I'm not going to beat an 18 month old.