I pick my battles. But in my observation, you WILL take sht, it is unavoidable. We've discussed road rage-inducing incidents - and at a time in my life, I would get revenge, one way or another, when some a-hole did some life endangering stunt in traffic. When at work, some idiot co-worker plops some crucial bit of work and info on my desk at the last minute, it used to get me all in a lather over it.
A co-worker then asked "when do they NOT do that?". "Never - it's virtually an absolute fact of the universe" "And when have you driven in traffic when someone DIDN'T do some rage inducing stunt - how often?" "CLOSE to never, but just about every day". "How many days go by when some person DOESN'T do something that ticks you off?".
His point was - if your tolerance threshhold is low enough - you're ALWAYS going to be pissed off. But on the other hand, if you ANTICIPATE it and plan accordingly, you'll be much better about it. Carry an umbrella and you won't be cursing the sky.
There's also this - I know I annoy people. I talk too much, I'm a poor listener, I talk about stuff no one wants to hear and I read social cues badly. I am dead certain that I piss people off. I can't expect something from others if I am there myself. Life is going to be annoying, people WILL piss you off, your very best friend will bother you, the people you positively love the most and who love you back WILL do things.
It's not "taking sht" - it's realizing that sht is the way it is.