How Will This Get Spun?


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by SmallTown
Yea, it is called politics..

Doesn't sound all that different from the Redskins/Cowboys rivalry, or the Earnhardt/Gordon rivalry...


Football season!
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Well if that's they way you see politics I feel for you. I look at politicians as individuals. :rolleyes:

So does everyone else.. And just as in life, you are rewarded for doing good things, and punished for doing bad things.

So if you're one of those people in a crowd greeting a politican and he/she shakes your hand, you actually think "He must like pixiegirl because he shook MY hand!"

Shaking heads, baby kissing, personal interviews, little flyers in the mail, basically the entire campaign process.. You actually think all of that is exactly what he WANTS to do and not just to get votes? Then why is their such a huge campaign staff and advisors if he just does what he wants?

All I am saying is he was able to boost his image without even trying, can't go wrong with that!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Politicians aren't individuals, Pix. In fact they're barely human. Politics is about parties, not individuals.

Anyway, Small, I think what Pixie is taking issue with is the rather left-handed way you're complimenting Frist's actions. You're insinuating that he did it for political gain, when that's probably not the case - he's a doctor and happened to be at the crash site, therefore he did what any doctor would do in that situation - he offered assistance.

Also, you know darn well that if Al Gore had so much as clipped a hangnail for someone, it would have been big, bold, front and center news.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Politicians aren't individuals, Pix. In fact they're barely human. Politics is about parties, not individuals.

Anyway, Small, I think what Pixie is taking issue with is the rather left-handed way you're complimenting Frist's actions. You're insinuating that he did it for political gain, when that's probably not the case - he's a doctor and happened to be at the crash site, therefore he did what any doctor would do in that situation - he offered assistance.

Also, you know darn well that if Al Gore had so much as clipped a hangnail for someone, it would have been big, bold, front and center news.


quote from an earlier statement from me:
"Doing a good dead is definately a brownie point gainer in the political world.. Like I said, I'm sure he didn't do it for the brownie points.. But people will definately see him in a special light because of what happened.. And this is all a good "

and another :
"See, you can't even BUY this kind of publicity.. If he were president, his approval rating would have jumped at least 15 or 20 points.. Just by doing what he was trained to do.. Like I said, the light is shining on him now and lets hope it stays."

Nothing there states he was doing it FOR political gain, but political gain IS a result (as well as saved lives) of his actions.. Just like if he was drinking and driving and hurt someone.. He wasn't do it to TRY and hurt his career, but it would probably be a negative mark on his record (unless you are running for the Mayor of DC.. The only place where a guy can smoke crack and get his job back)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I guess it's just our jaded callousness (me too, Small, not just you) that when a political person performs a good deed, our first reaction is, "This will look good on his approval ratings!"

Don't you think that's funny? :roflmao:

But I did think it was interesting which of the news media thought the Frist story was important and which ones did not. Also, this isn't the first time Frist has been at the right place at the right time:

Frist offered medical assistance to Strom Thurmond when the then-98-year-old senator collapsed on the Senate floor in 2001.

In 1998, when a gunman opened fire in the U.S. Capitol, Frist rushed to aid the victims. He treated one man who had been shot in the face and performed CPR on another man with a chest wound.

In 1995, Frist revived a 60-year-old man who collapsed inside a Senate office building.

Now you have to wonder why we keep electing lawyers to public office instead of someone who can really be of service. :lmao:


Football season!
Wow.. Like I said, the light is shining on him!
Funny how things work out.. Had he not been there for Strom Thurmond, he may have died.. Thus no birthday party for lott to make a fool of himself, thus no majority leader for frist.. Forget the pope, the catholics should start kissing frist's hand!


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
May I point something out?

Check the front page and tell me where you see any mention of Frist's heroism. See it? Right there in that little teeny 6pt text. Note what they considered MUCH more important than the
Frist story: Edwards will run in 2004; busting on Bush's "No Child Left Behind" plan; some stupid actor who lost weight for a role; etc, etc, etc. The Wash Times had it featured prominently - the Wash Post buries it.

Interesting, huh?

Well, the Washington Post, which has a larger circulation, is a liberal newspaper while the Times is a conservative one that doesn't reach as many readers. So of course there are differences. I personally think that Frist does deserve kudos for his heroism but I think that he shouldn't politicize something that is a matter of life and death.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
Well, the Washington Post, which has a larger circulation, is a liberal newspaper while the Times is a conservative one that doesn't reach as many readers. So of course there are differences. I personally think that Frist does deserve kudos for his heroism but I think that he shouldn't politicize something that is a matter of life and death.
Hey stupid, Frist isn't doing any of this, it is the media. Still can't get it right can you.


Football season!
Originally posted by demsformd
Well, the Washington Post, which has a larger circulation, is a liberal newspaper while the Times is a conservative one that doesn't reach as many readers. So of course there are differences. I personally think that Frist does deserve kudos for his heroism but I think that he shouldn't politicize something that is a matter of life and death.

That is what is SO great about it.. He isn't doing anything to politicize it.. It is the so called "liberal media" which is pasting his good samaritan face on all the networks and newspapers.. Priceless..


New Member
Yes I understand that Frist will not, but I would bet that fellow Republicans would harp on this issue in order to further kick ole Trent out. If Frist ever had a tough election battle, I bet that he would run headlines of the action. Hey, who else thinks that Senator Frist will run for president?


endangered species
So let's get something clear. All you self-rightous conservatives who claim it's the libs who don't have it right because they are partisan, you have NO credibility with me. (You didn't really think I was going to let you slide on this stuff did you? If you want to rant without opposition, go to the freepers, where I'm not allowed to have an opinion.) :razz2:

How Will This Get Spun?

I'm sure THE LIBS will say...

Note what they considered MUCH more important than the
Frist story:
some how or another THE LIBERALS ...

Also, you know darn well that if Al Gore had so much as clipped a hangnail for someone, it would have been big, bold, front and center news.

So if ANYONE you perceive as a liberal says anything stupid about this, that reinforces your delusion that all liberals, and liberalism in general, are all at fault.

I am disappointed.


endangered species
And just to show

that I am not totally and blindly partisan...

Bush is supposed to unveil a jobs program next week. No details yet, but it is the right IDEA, anyway. I'm looking forward to seeing what he comes up with.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by MGKrebs
So let's get something clear. All you self-rightous conservatives who claim it's the libs who don't have it right because they are partisan, you have NO credibility with me. (You didn't really think I was going to let you slide on this stuff did you? If you want to rant without opposition, go to the freepers, where I'm not allowed to have an opinion.) :razz2:

How Will This Get Spun?

I'm sure THE LIBS will say...

Note what they considered MUCH more important than the
Frist story:
some how or another THE LIBERALS ...

Also, you know darn well that if Al Gore had so much as clipped a hangnail for someone, it would have been big, bold, front and center news.

So if ANYONE you perceive as a liberal says anything stupid about this, that reinforces your delusion that all liberals, and liberalism in general, are all at fault.

I am disappointed.
Gee, being a little judgmental, aren’t we Maynard? Just how it was presented by two differing newspapers is interesting enough. Seeing the responses and how many anticipate it being used against the man is equally interesting. But your comment was the cream of them all, off target and defensive as usual.

You could have shown how great you and your party could be by coming in and saying what a decent thing it was and that he deserves to be admired and praised. Couldn’t do that though, could you. Demsformd even did that.


endangered species
But then you would criticize me for giving him kudos for just doing his doctor thing.

For the record, I think it's great. He's been around the world helping people. (Is he with Doctor's Without Borders or something similar?) He looks like a warm and caring person to me.

I think he'd make a great doctor. :biggrin:


endangered species
But I'll tell ya',

The true test will come 10 or 20 years from now. If liberals are still talking about Bill Frists' failure to save 2 kids in an accident, I will be hugely disappointed. I don't care if it's liberal or conservative, Kennedy or Frist, it's sick and pathetic.