How would you discourage


Darwin was right
perfectly nice neighbors that are both completely retired and like to have a drink or six :alkies:and come visit for 2 hours or so in the evening. :otter: I still work and like to unwind with peace and quiet and, though they are both nice, I don't welcome their slightly impaired visitations. They don't even mind sitting at the table with us while we have dinner. Without being rude and damaging a good neighbor relationship, what is the best way to discourage the visits. :bonk:Maybe if I get enough ideas I can forward them a link to this forum and hope they stumble on this thread.


Greet them at the door naked, or with a 12 gauge. :shrug: I don't know, maybe do both at the same time! If you do, get pics I wanna see the look on their faces! :lmao:


PREMO Member
GopherM said:
perfectly nice neighbors that are both completely retired and like to have a drink or six :alkies:and come visit for 2 hours or so in the evening. :otter: I still work and like to unwind with peace and quiet and, though they are both nice, I don't welcome their slightly impaired visitations. They don't even mind sitting at the table with us while we have dinner. Without being rude and damaging a good neighbor relationship, what is the best way to discourage the visits. :bonk:Maybe if I get enough ideas I can forward them a link to this forum and hope they stumble on this thread.
Get the "F" out of my house.

Problem solved.


Darwin was right
DoWhat said:
Get the "F" out of my house.

Problem solved.

Maybe your idea while naked with the 12 guage. Would that be overkill or should I add a pitbull to the team?


Just me
Maybe something simple and direct: "Hey guys - sorry, but this is a bad time for us. We'll give you a call when we're up for company." Repeat as necessary.


GopherM said:
Maybe your idea while naked with the 12 guage. Would that be overkill or should I add a pitbull to the team?

Sure, whatever floats your boat! I personally don't see having a meat loving dog around me when I'm naked as a good idea! But that's up to you! Just make sure the dog doesn't like franks and beans! :whistle:


Darwin was right
Mousebaby said:
Sure, whatever floats your boat! I personally don't see having a meat loving dog around me when I'm naked as a good idea! But that's up to you! Just make sure the dog doesn't like franks and beans! :whistle:

Hadn't thought of that. Dog might mistake skip the neighbors and go after the wrong chew toy.:yikes:


Darwin was right
The Scrambler said:
Someone please teach me how to post.My piece of #### heighbor who bought my friend Lorain Fultons house killed my dog>

Just go back to the forum you want to post in, such as Life in Southern Maryland, and select the New Thread button near the top of the page.


Active Member
When they leave politely ask them 'hey, can you wait until Saturday to come over, we have some things to do between now and then' OR just come out and ASK them not to come over quite so often. If they get the messege GREAT but if they take it the wrong way they'll get over it.....eventually :lmao:
Good Luck what ever you do!


FairyChatMom said:
Maybe something simple and direct: "Hey guys - sorry, but this is a bad time for us. We'll give you a call when we're up for company." Repeat as necessary.

:yeahthat: Will take some courage, but you'll feel sooo good when you do it. And spouse will be thankful I'm certain.


Methodically disorganized
GopherM said:
Without being rude and damaging a good neighbor relationship
You can act however you please in your own home. And this does not sound like a good relationship. Do you and them share genuinely good times, and do you help each other out, or is it just that they are "nice" and you put up with it?

I'd say give them one or two chances the nice way... and if they don't get it, become a little more insistent. Like say pushing them out the door.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
A "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob like at a hotel might give them a hint or you could dine out more often.


Highlander's MPD
GopherM said:
perfectly nice neighbors that are both completely retired and like to have a drink or six :alkies:and come visit for 2 hours or so in the evening. :otter: I still work and like to unwind with peace and quiet and, though they are both nice, I don't welcome their slightly impaired visitations. They don't even mind sitting at the table with us while we have dinner. Without being rude and damaging a good neighbor relationship, what is the best way to discourage the visits. :bonk:Maybe if I get enough ideas I can forward them a link to this forum and hope they stumble on this thread.

Tell them about this really cool forum on SOMD and suggest they start by reading topics under "Life in Southern Maryland." Not only will they see this thread and take a hint but they might find a new hobby posting "interesting" information right along with all the rest of the intoxicated people here. They won't have time to come over any more because they'll become addicted to this forum.

river rat

How long has this been going on?

If it has been briefly then, you shouldn't have too much of a problem. :shrug:

I wish I had friendly neighbors, mine are biatches.
Just tell them that "you value them as good neighbors but, you need a little space to collect your thoughts in the evening and follow it with an invite for dinner next week."
and say "see you then".

And hope that they get the hint. But if they are :alkies: they probably won't even remember and be back the next day
Maybe you should go over early in the morning and hang out for two hours and drink coffee and explain your predicament.


Darwin was right
Maybe a progressive approach of all of the above ending with a moat and barb wire will be the final solution. I could buy and install some of those motion activated high pressure sprinklers like they use to scare deer away and position them near our driveway, sidewalk and doors. That would be entertaining.


but wouldn't you be getting wet too if you used the front door to get in?