Alrighty... I know I've got a few years yet, but I'm beginning to wonder how soon I should be prepared.
I once read that a girl usually starts about the same age her mother did. Then more recently I read that girls these days are maturing faster than they used to, usually about a year younger than their mothers.
So for all you mothers of pubescent girls, how did your daughter's starting age compare to yours?
She hasn't started her period yet but she it "developing" already so..
I'd say she's an easy year ahead of me. She's already started in a training bra and needs/uses deodorant. This all began at an early 8. Her newest development is one single hair under each arm. I'm thinking it'll happen before she's 10, I'm holding out for longer though.
I should add - her father is in denial and says the day will never come.
Boy is he in for an awakening.

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