Howard Dean - Master of the Obvious


Super Genius
Dean Says Democrats Must Take Offensive
"We need a message. It has to be clear," he said. "The framing of the debate determines who wins the debate."

"Running away from issues is how you lose elections," said Dean, a former Vermont governor.
:dork: Hey Howard, the Republicans have been telling you that for a few years now. Let's hear your clear message...


.......ummmmmmm........Republicans are evil liars!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Would someone...

...please list the quotes, the 'messages' from the Honorable Dean from the last two years?

If I list them I'll be called 'mean' and I just can't have that.


Well-Known Member
"The framing of the debate
What does that mean? Don't debate anything that requires a solution?


Howard Dean gives Republicans credit for one thing: They have put the Democrats on the defensive and forced them to fight on their turf

Don't worry Dean, I sincerely doubt that Republicans will make any inroads in the inner cities and Berkley for several years.

Dean said Monday he has found "There are Democrats everywhere."

What Dr. Dean meant to say is "There are people who USED to identify with what USED to resemble a mainstream party everywhere, Now we have people who cringe at being identified as a contemporary of Sarandon, Robbins, Babs, Mike Moore, Jesse Jackson, Harry Belefonte and hell even myself."

"We need a message.
:dur: Is this your plan? Since your "actual" message sucks, has no substance and no one wants it, shop around for something that you can "sell" so you can rule over the masses you have enslaved by entitlement. Good plan, keep it up :yay:

"Running away from issues is how you lose elections,"
No, being obstructionist, nasty, vile, elitist, smug, fearmongering jackasses without direction is how you lose elections. Ask Tom Daschel, I think he is working part time at a True Value in Souix Falls.

Dean detailed his 50-state strategy to hire and finance from national coffers organizers in every state, saying that the party is on track to have organizers in every state by the end of the year.
Good idea, BUY elections with lies and really cool ballons and crap:yay: First you call George Sorros.......oh wait a minute, I think he took his checkbook and went home. :confused: I KNOW! you can get Bruce Sprinsteen and Babs to do a national tour. Bruce can wank about how hard your life really is and you are just too stupid to know and Babs can do a dramatic reading from the DNC platform. you could even have a dunk tank and put Terry McKaullif in it.

Vote by vote, precinct by precinct, door by door, year by year and election by election, we will take this country back for the people who built it," he said.

pssssssssst.......lean close I have a secret........closer..........closer.......



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Dean Says Democrats Must Take Offensive :dork: Hey Howard, the Republicans have been telling you that for a few years now. Let's hear your clear message...


.......ummmmmmm........Republicans are evil liars!

Most of Dean's comments seem to focus on the image of the Democratic party - and not what either the message, or the changes ought to be.

Instead of "positioning themselves as the party of change" - why not actually focus on the change itself? I haven't heard anything ground-breaking from them in years. Their position is still "not being Republicans". You can't be the party of change when the other party gets to define who you are.


Maybe it's just me, but I think that quotes like this...

"We have to be out there. We have to be vocal. We have to be pushing our version of the facts because their version of the facts is very unfactual."

"We need a message. It has to be clear," he said. "The framing of the debate determines who wins the debate."

"We need to position ourselves as the party of change,"

"Vote by vote, precinct by precinct, door by door, year by year and election by election, we will take this country back for the people who built it," he said."

... are all the kinds of things you would expect to hear from the chairman of a third or upstart party chairman, not from the chairman of a long-established party like the DNC. I mean these are the basics that should be nailed down tight before you even consider getting involved in the political process, and Dean's talking like they're some new future state for the party. And they wonder why they can't win. :lmao:

I also loved his comment "The key to success is making those Democrats proud of their party," Dean said, "by taking the offensive and fighting on Democratic turf." Ah... the key to success is not taking the offensive and fighting on your turf, but taking the offensive and fighting on the enemy's turf. Otherwise you're just fighting to hang on to what you've already got, and when you're in the minority it's not enough to hold onto the short end of the rope. He's a moron, but a fabulous DNC chairman!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's the problem? I think the DNC message is very clear and they get it out quite effectively:

George Bush is an evil Nazi and Republicans are stupid rednecks who lynch black people. Dick Cheney is responsible for tsunamis and Condoleeza Rice is a murderer.

What's unclear about that message? :confused:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
What's the problem? I think the DNC message is very clear and they get it out quite effectively: George Bush is an evil Nazi and Republicans are stupid rednecks who lynch black people. Dick Cheney is responsible for tsunamis and Condoleeza Rice is a murderer. What's unclear about that message? :confused:
You forgot we criminally stole the election.... :bubble:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
You forgot we criminally stole the election....
That too - and everyone in the western hemisphere knows that that is their message. So how can Howard Dean say they've had a problem with people hearing their message?


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
take that to Chit Chat :bonk:
Why does everybody keep saying that to me today? :bawl:


Howard Dean lost because he's a sloppy dresser. :backontopic: :yay:


New Member
Howard Dean is a man who I would never want to be president of the United States and I do not agree with his approach to politics at all...

That being said, his tenure as DNC chairman has been quite good from a strategic standpoint. First off, the Republican president and Congress have abysmal job ratings, secondly there has been massive grassroots organization in every state whether it's hardcore Democratic or Republican, and thirdly in the only election since he took over, the Democratic candidate (who called President Bush a chickenhawk and an SOB) for a congressional seat in Ohio (where the last Democratic candidate only received 28% and where John Kerry only received 35%) came within 4,000 votes of winning. This special election in Ohio in the most Republican district in the state suggests that Democratic organization is working and that perhaps the message is getting clearer and stronger (the RNC spent $500,000 to "bury" the Dem candidate, who is an Iraqi war veteran, but well they couldn't quite do that). Or maybe people are just sick of Republicans dominating all branches of any event, it ain't looking too bad for Democrats.

Plus, liberal interests are gearing up to create progressive think tanks to challenge the conservative domination of the think tanks and policy institutes and their ability to create a so-called "noise machine" is greatly advancing with the blogosphere.

The present doesn't look fruitful, but the future could be...Democratic epithets are far, far too premature and somewhat misguided in my view.


Dancing Up A Storm

Dean Predicts Changes for 2008 Primaries
August 09, 2005 3:15 PM EDT
CONCORD, N.H. - Democratic National Party Chairman Howard Dean says there may be some changes in the 2008 presidential primary calendar, but nothing radical.

"There will be a little surgery, not major surgery," said Dean, a doctor, former Vermont governor and presidential hopeful in 2004.

For decades, the Iowa caucuses have been the first nominating contest, followed closely by New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary.

A commission was appointed to study the nominating process amid arguments that Iowa and New Hampshire lack the diversity to represent the country's interests and that no two states should have such influence on the presidential nomination. Defenders of their special status argue that candidates must meet their party's supporters and other voters face-to-face for the most personal politicking of the campaign.

Dean told the Concord Monitor on Monday that he was reluctant to share his opinions because the commission is still debating what to do.

"At this point, my position is pretty delicate," Dean said. "If I come out in the newspaper (with my opinion), it may not end up helping New Hampshire's position."
Howard and his friends are still reluctant to divulge any concrete plans! :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No doubt...

in any event, it ain't looking too bad for Democrats.

For any and all the reasons you cite, things could look worse. I'll tell you right now, as Kerry came within 3,000,000 nationwide of being President, it won't be long, maybe '08, before we have someone like Kerry, Gore or Dean as our President. I persued happiness and did well with 8 years of Clinton.

And when they win they will be backed and owe much to the very same ugly, mean spirited, angry and hatefilled people we were talking about. Hell, I wouldn't even talk about them if there were not so many.

Having more of them does not make them right. Or a good thing for the nation.

Of course, you being a Democrat, majority rules, right? So there we have it. These people may well be in charge, soon, and I expect no more class, dignity nor respect for our nation as a whole in victory as they consistently show in defeat. It is all about them and their emotions now and it will be later.

Of course, they may all suddenly grow up and stop feeling so threatened by their fellow citizens when they don't get their way.

I'll wait.