Howard Dean gives Republicans credit for one thing: They have put the Democrats on the defensive and forced them to fight on their turf
Don't worry Dean, I sincerely doubt that Republicans will make any inroads in the inner cities and Berkley for several years.
Dean said Monday he has found "There are Democrats everywhere."
What Dr. Dean meant to say is "There are people who USED to identify with what USED to resemble a mainstream party everywhere, Now we have people who cringe at being identified as a contemporary of Sarandon, Robbins, Babs, Mike Moore, Jesse Jackson, Harry Belefonte and hell even myself."
:dur: Is this your plan? Since your "actual" message sucks, has no substance and no one wants it, shop around for something that you can "sell" so you can rule over the masses you have enslaved by entitlement. Good plan, keep it up
"Running away from issues is how you lose elections,"
No, being obstructionist, nasty, vile, elitist, smug, fearmongering jackasses without direction is how you lose elections. Ask Tom Daschel, I think he is working part time at a True Value in Souix Falls.
Dean detailed his 50-state strategy to hire and finance from national coffers organizers in every state, saying that the party is on track to have organizers in every state by the end of the year.
Good idea, BUY elections with lies and really cool ballons and crap

First you call George Sorros.......oh wait a minute, I think he took his checkbook and went home.

I KNOW! you can get Bruce Sprinsteen and Babs to do a national tour. Bruce can wank about how hard your life really is and you are just too stupid to know and Babs can do a dramatic reading from the DNC platform. you could even have a dunk tank and put Terry McKaullif in it.
Vote by vote, precinct by precinct, door by door, year by year and election by election, we will take this country back for the people who built it," he said.
pssssssssst.......lean close I have a secret........closer..........closer.......