How's your View?



N.H. Puts a Price on Panoramas
Property Taxes Soar Based on Scenery

By David A. Fahrenthold
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 14, 2005; Page A01

PLAINFIELD, N.H. -- The view from Brad Wilder's hillside house is a 270-degree panorama of New England high country: the rugged peak of Mount Ascutney, the reddening leaves and white-painted houses of the Connecticut River valley and -- on some lucky fall days -- migratory geese cruising by at eye level.

His vista is stunning. But you can't say it's priceless.

Wilder's view has actually been valued right down to the dollar: According to the town of Plainfield, it is worth $237,265.

This is down right :crazy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
New England states are a great example of fascist governments run amok.

This is why, when you are attracted to a state because it has no income tax, look carefully at their property taxes. The state will get their money one way or another.


I bowl overhand
30 Years ago when my family returned to NH after my dad retred from the Army it was a great place to live. They had YEARS of budget surplus with a Republican governor named Thompson(?), Thompson and the Manchester Union Leader editor(s) ran the state. (Mr and Mrs Loeb).. He retired and was replaced with the first Democratic Governor, and there went the surplusses.. never to be seen again. People from bordering states moved into NH and changed the southern portion of the state to be EXACTLY like the liberal mecca's they moved from. Southen MD, in some regards, reminds me a lot of how NH was.

Depending on where you lived in the state made a HUGE difference in your property tax. If youlived in a rich neighborhood with little infrastructure you paid little in taxes..
For example, my parents lived in a middle class neighborhood in a 150K house, they paid the same or more property tax then Dean Kamen paid on his $4 million estate. My parents lived in a city, with LOADS of infrastructure, schools.. etc.. Kamen lived in a SMALL town called Bedford that used neighboring towns for schools, was a mansion farm with little infrastructure..

Another town, Seabrook, had a Nuke Plant in it, and the SMART people of that town made sure to get revenue from every kilowatt it produced.. there yearly tax bills were in the 100's of dollars.. like in the $400 - 500 range.

I don't know how they do it now, but I do know the people in Seabrook weren't happy.. there tax bills went through the roof.

And the article mentioned, I'd say is going to have an adverse affect on my parents. they are retired, living on a fixed income in their retirement house in Grafton County NH. It overlooks a bow in the Ct River. Looking out their back window, you look out along the valley, into Vt, then back into NH

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
New England states are a great example of fascist governments run amok.

This is why, when you are attracted to a state because it has no income tax, look carefully at their property taxes. The state will get their money one way or another.
Texas has no income tax.


I bowl overhand
tikipirate said:
So much for "Live Free or Die".
ACLU sued the state to get that motto removed from the plates...

And speaking of plates.. the liberals that moved into the state had all the prison farms (where they raised their own cattle and vegetables) shut down, because it infringed on the prisoners rights.... we even get our license plates form out of state, because they considered that a form of slave labor. heaven forbid the prisoners have to work for their keep...

When I left there in 96(?) there was a big broo ha ha, because a local sheriff starting charging rent to his inmates. $32 a day to stay in their luxurious rooms. You left prison with a real debt to society.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
New England states are a great example of fascist governments run amok.

This is why, when you are attracted to a state because it has no income tax, look carefully at their property taxes. The state will get their money one way or another.
BUT NH does have a Rooms and Meals tax, and the state owns ALL of the liquor stores, and tolls the piss out of you.. Property taxes are still less then what you'd pay here in MD for yearly taxes.. NH was set up years ago to put the burden of revenue on tourists and out of staters. it's a multi BILLION dollar industry in NH.


9/11 - Never Forget!
NH could be free again...

The times they could be achangin' again. The Free State Project chose NH as the state of choice last year. It will take quite a few years, but there is a chance the state may yet revert to the control of the people!


Maine is basically a socialist state. they had taxpayers revolting on the capital steps because they hiked it so high.

My property taxes on a $75K house in Maine were more than on my $200K house here. Income tax is slightly higher in Maine too. Sales tax, tolls and the rest make it nearly imposible.

As a kicker you pay personal property tax on your car EVERY year to the tune of 4% when you get your tags.

Go to register that $25K car and the tags cost $29 and the advelorum tax was $1000. $1,029 for plates EVERY STINKIN year!