Hoyer's Bacca Barns.


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

mv_princess said:
You give me a headache..........please stop.

:flowers: I really do understand. Perhaps politics and elections are not comfortable to you as they are not for many other people too.

Why not try some other Thread like Sports or Dating Threads because when some thing starts to hurt then it is time to turn away.

JPC, Sr.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Pete said:
Howard Dean is not going to like you bad mouthing the Democratic whip you all being Democrats and all. :nono:

:elaine: Fortunately Howard Dean is no absolute boss.

But it is true that a lot of people believe that way that any Democrat must back up other Democrats but the principle does have exceptions.

Like we have local Democrats over here that have sold out the betterment of our community and are servicing the big business instead. Now I believe in the principles of the Democratic Party but I sure do not support the traitors of Hoyer, Mikulski, Bohanan, and others that fatten themselves on the Base expansion while at the same time County schools have burned, the Detention Center crammed full, the water table overused, the roads overloaded, the whole County infrastructure infringed upon to gratify their wanton greed.

That is not the true principles of the Democrat Party doing such things to our home. It is only greedy individuals in office and they do not deserve nor merit our loyalty. These have betrayed the trust.

:yay: This year vote for true Democrats that care about our community and put that greed driven oligarchy out. Put them all out and then we can get some real leaders that will respectfully manage and protect our home.

It is all getting started right down here in Legislature District 29B.

:whistle: :whoosh:


JPC said:
:flowers: I really do understand. Perhaps politics and elections are not comfortable to you as they are not for many other people too.

Why not try some other Thread like Sports or Dating Threads because when some thing starts to hurt then it is time to turn away.

JPC, Sr.

How did this answer my question :shrug: :frown:


Wickedwrench said:
Many of us did this. It taught me the value of a hard day's work and the the value of a dollar at the same time. I'm not at all ashamed of sweating in a tobacco field and neither should you be.

:yeahthat: I worked in a tobacco field every summer from the time I was 13 till I was 17. Then I hung off the back of a trash truck. I now have a well paying job that supports my family because a strong work ethic was instilled in me at a young age. Hell, When I was 12 and 13, me and a buddy got jobs mowing lawns in the neighborhood.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

dems4me said:
:yeahthat: ... :shrug: ..., isn't this part of the rural, non-developed St. Mary's county pastural ideology/image you want to preserve in the first place? No developers. :shrug:

:yay: It could be considered as a small part but only a very small part and a worthless part as he is not saving the farms nor the rural areas, he is just simply fixing up old barns and saving only the new improved barn for people to look at. He still has the new developers coming in as fast as his greedy little accomplises can truck it in.


JPC said:
:yay: It could be considered as a small part but only a very small part and a worthless part as he is not saving the farms nor the rural areas, he is just simply fixing up old barns and saving only the new improved barn for people to look at. He still has the new developers coming in as fast as his greedy little accomplises can truck it in.

I think we lost communication or something...you were against him preserving the historical barns of southern maryland and you think the barns are a disgrace... but yet you are also pro farm and ruralness of saint mary's county... is this correct?


Lem Putt
Dems, I've looked at the DNC website and the MD Dems site, but I can't find anything about the party line for deadbeats, schools, rural preservation, or any of this dink's other issues. If you know where to go to find this stuff, please share.



MMDad said:
Dems, I've looked at the DNC website and the MD Dems site, but I can't find anything about the party line for deadbeats, schools, rural preservation, or any of this dink's other issues. If you know where to go to find this stuff, please share.


I just asked him a question about saving the barns that he wants torn down :shrug: I just take his ideologies for what (I'm hoping) they are meant for - entertainment, pure entertainment. :smile:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

dems4me said:
I think we lost communication or something...you were against him preserving the historical barns of southern maryland and you think the barns are a disgrace... but yet you are also pro farm and ruralness of saint mary's county... is this correct?

:yay: Hoyer is only preserving the barns. He is not preserving the farms, he is not preserving the rural lands but only the filthy barn, but of course he is paying out big money to clean up the barns first.

:elaine: Secondly, what I say is,

1) to stop the base expantion and save our rural community,
2) to reform child support and become family friendly.

That is my platform. Not to save old tobacco barns.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:yay: Hoyer is only preserving the barns. He is not preserving the farms, he is not preserving the rural lands but only the filthy barn, but of course he is paying out big money to clean up the barns first.

:elaine: Secondly, what I say is,

1) to stop the base expantion and save our rural community,
2) to reform child support and become family friendly.

That is my platform. Not to save old tobacco barns.

Please take your meds. The voices will stop.