SUX big time! I thought Dell was bad, but these people take the cake! They are very nice don't get me wrong, but man are they as dumb as a box of rocks! I swear if I ever read another article saying that Indians are smarter than we are I will flip my lid!!!
I has taken me 45 minutes to communicate to these numb skulls that the caps lock key on my keyboard has popped completely off and cannot be put back on. I have worked with many computers, I'm not an idiot, when I tell you it can't be fixed it can't be fixed! Why do they insist that I am dumb?? Is because I'm a woman? Or is it because I am an American woman??
Again I have found a good reason why we need a smiley that is pulling it's hair out by the roots!!!
I has taken me 45 minutes to communicate to these numb skulls that the caps lock key on my keyboard has popped completely off and cannot be put back on. I have worked with many computers, I'm not an idiot, when I tell you it can't be fixed it can't be fixed! Why do they insist that I am dumb?? Is because I'm a woman? Or is it because I am an American woman??

Again I have found a good reason why we need a smiley that is pulling it's hair out by the roots!!!