HPEC Hunter show Jan 6th!


Ahhhh Florida!
If I have you on my e-mail list you will be notified of any changes made to the show bill. Trailer parking may be modified if the weather makes the grounds mucky.:howdy:


laura+flare= gone
ooooo, i have nothing to do that day, and its been forever since a horse show... maybe i'll take the new horse to it, he's an awsome english horse...


New Member
Good luck with the weather. This is not a good time for a show. I may drop by to see if all the rumors I have heard are true. I am starting to think I have been mislead by some of my so-called friends. I would like to start showing again.


Good luck with the weather. This is not a good time for a show. I may drop by to see if all the rumors I have heard are true. I am starting to think I have been mislead by some of my so-called friends. I would like to start showing again.

I will be riding in the AM with my guy.


New Member
Bummer. :frown: Sparks can't go again. He's getting a massage at 1pm that day. Seriously.:crazy:

I hope the weather is dry for you. You guys put on a nice show.


Bummer. :frown: Sparks can't go again. He's getting a massage at 1pm that day. Seriously.:crazy:

Lucky Sparks...

I know my guy would LOVE a massage. Do you have someone come and do it? Can you send me their name and number.


New Member
Lucky Sparks...

I know my guy would LOVE a massage. Do you have someone come and do it? Can you send me their name and number.

I know! I probably need one more than he does.
Yes, she's coming to the barn. I'll pm you.


New Member
Good luck with the weather. This is not a good time for a show. I may drop by to see if all the rumors I have heard are true. I am starting to think I have been mislead by some of my so-called friends. I would like to start showing again.

are you a misfit trying to follow the pack leader, you can't always believe what you hear. jealousy always plays a big part. Get out and play well with others, you will have fun.


New Member
are you a misfit trying to follow the pack leader, you can't always believe what you hear. jealousy always plays a big part. Get out and play well with others, you will have fun.

I am trying. I was thinking about getting my certification but then I learned that doesn't prove anything sometimes. Some people basically give them away.


New Member
I am trying. I was thinking about getting my certification but then I learned that doesn't prove anything sometimes. Some people basically give them away.

Did you have an eye opening experience? Those certifications seems to be a not so big thing when you have experience. Some of that is a carpet ride scam to wow the newbies. She/He must be good, they are certified from a cracker box. Ha......Get out more and see.... most of the professionals are NOT CERTIFIED! who cares if you are being taught and you are learning from an instructor that has accomplished high goals in their own horse riding acheivements. Most have started and learned acceptance from professionals, by moving up to harder skill levels by taking a deep breath and moving onto to those that have been there done that. Not by an instructor that keeps lying to all those that believe he/she is bigger than life and has a big chip on the shoulder. Hell half the times, claiming to be at an instuctor far away in a clinic and laughing, having a great time on vacation and whining about her boarders getting courage to blast someone when she returns. Wake up its not the only barn, get a truck and trailer learn how to use them and adventure out. You can also learn alot from the trail riders around here. They have alot of knowledge and experience and are far from the boarding days. Most have their own farms, and are past the bull#### days of boarding facilities and are having fun, lots of fun.

Be a do-er not a follower


New Member
Certification.....another thought, I hope they are certified in CPR for emergencies and how to dial 911 and not freak out in kaos when life depends on it.:yahoo:


Wake up its not the only barn, get a truck and trailer learn how to use them and adventure out. You can also learn alot from the trail riders around here.

I will completely and utterly agree with you. I went on a trail ride with SMTR and learned quite a bit from them. I went through ditches, and water with them. I dealed with some mud, and a slightly stubborn horse.(Had to get some help with one deep creek). I learned that on the trail you need to be on alert for the next branch, tree, roots, and so on. I completely and uttlery have respect for trail riders, and hope one day to be as competent on the trail as I am in the ring.

I also know that I have SO much to learn about showing horses, and riding hunter style. I admit that I have tons to learn~!


New Member
Tallyhoe, if you are at FIF, as you are suggesting with some of your posts, I'll teach you how to pull a trailer, or take you out sometime. (98% of the time I'm full when I go to Horse shows) I love the trail rides, Flurry.....maybe not so much, but its good exposure for her. Or if you'd rather go out by yourself, I can tell you that Passo's group is a good group, she adopted me when I asked where there was to ride. Oh, and if you do approach me, I won't be running around saying "look ya'll it Tally!!" I may not be very PC, but I'm not the rude either


Ahhhh Florida!
Did you have an eye opening experience? Those certifications seems to be a not so big thing when you have experience. Some of that is a carpet ride scam to wow the newbies. She/He must be good, they are certified from a cracker box. Ha......Get out more and see.... most of the professionals are NOT CERTIFIED! who cares if you are being taught and you are learning from an instructor that has accomplished high goals in their own horse riding acheivements. Most have started and learned acceptance from professionals, by moving up to harder skill levels by taking a deep breath and moving onto to those that have been there done that. Not by an instructor that keeps lying to all those that believe he/she is bigger than life and has a big chip on the shoulder. Hell half the times, claiming to be at an instuctor far away in a clinic and laughing, having a great time on vacation and whining about her boarders getting courage to blast someone when she returns. Wake up its not the only barn, get a truck and trailer learn how to use them and adventure out. You can also learn alot from the trail riders around here. They have alot of knowledge and experience and are far from the boarding days. Most have their own farms, and are past the bull#### days of boarding facilities and are having fun, lots of fun.

Be a do-er not a follower

I hope this isn't about me.:lmao: I really am going to the Kromes!:lmao:


I'm only going to be there until 11am, my son's first basketball game is at noon. :coffee:

I was planning on being there but.....

I have plans on Saturday night up in Annapolis. I don't thing I will be able to function very well for a show on Sunday. I could wait to show how shiny my boy is.


New Member
hehe not certifications again!!!!

you know what i heard - that CHA is actually a really hard thing to get in georgia. go figure. i think they are trying to revolutionize it to make it mean something.

Holly point has great little schooling shows in my opinion - and i've been to hunter shows all over the eastern states of all ratings/levels. AND there is a Rated judge this time i do beleive - come get some opinions from a judge who works the A shows.