Hurricanes down here are like snow storms up in Maryland. When the first one hits there's mass panic, everyone has to leave work, the schools shut down, the local morning shows start broadcasting news of the new "Blizzard of the Millenium" and showing pictures of salt trucks loading up. By the time the last few hit it's like "gee... it's snowing."
Same deal down here. When the first hurricane comes around, mass panic. Now... just
Here's the news from the future...
The strongest storm ever in the Atlantic peaks at a five while it's over the gulf, and drops to a low-grade Category IV as it heads for Florida. Despite all the best hopes of the media for it to stay a Cat IV it drops to a Cat III as it nears land, and a lot of junior newsies don their rainy weather apparel and try to make tree branches bending and stop signs vibrating look new and exciting. The more senior newsies will go to the beaches and castigate the surfers and sightseers who dare to challenge the advice of a local news celebrity and come to the beach after being told, by a newsie at the beach, that being at the beach is utterly dangerous and a risk to life and limb. Again...
The storm makes landfall and immediately drops to a Cat II and shortly thereafter skips Cat I and becomes a tropical storm. Afterwards FEMA swoops in and gives away millions of dollars to repair a lot of stuff that was broken crap before the storm hit.
Good day and may the good news be yours. This is Les Nessman at WKRP signing off.