

I have been taking it for years for high blood pressure, works fine and no side effects !
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Anyone tried it or currently trying it?

HCTZ. Been using it for years. It removes excess water from your system and is used widely for high blood pressure. The only side effect is having to get up a couple of times a night to pee. And you may want to modify your long driving trips to make sure there's a stop along the way at appropriate intervals.


Well-Known Member
:smoochy: Water retention is a biatch. The good news, while taking HCTZ you won't feel quite so bloated during that time of the month. :killingme
HCTZ. Been using it for years. It removes excess water from your system and is used widely for high blood pressure. The only side effect is having to get up a couple of times a night to pee. And you may want to modify your long driving trips to make sure there's a stop along the way at appropriate intervals.