Hypocrisy on the Left...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Or worse...

...what if they found the life they felt they needed to live in the...G...O...P???

What if they wanted to intern with Rush Limbaugh? What if he cast an eye their way, boy or girl?


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Hessian said:
Ok...you convinced me..
Affirmative action is the best protection of diversity and promotes fairness and helps our society so...
I want 95% of the people at my favorite Chinese restaurant to be replaced with Jews, Lithuanians, Russians, and Turks.
I want 20 % of all air traffic controllers to be "afflicted" with ADD.
I want dwarfs making up 10% of the NBA
I want 20% of all NAscar drivers replaced by 85 year old women.
I want my doctor to "sort-of" pass his exams
I want to recruit Nigerians, Angolans, and Algerians to make up 20% of the NHL
I want Lawyers who failed grammar at least twice.
I expect 300 pound women to take over gymnastics.

Then our society will be fairer, more diverse and we will all be better off.
I am excited about the better society of tomorrow all because of affirmative action. :killingme

And I want a better tan!

And I wanna be able to dunk something besides a doughnut.

And I want to be better at math!

And I want to be able to haggle for a better deal at the movie theatre.

And I want to be able to spell!

And I want a bigger, thicker...hair line.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

I want white preachers at black churches.

And I want Microsoft to build a better OS.

And I want Bill Clinton to admit he did it for the nookie.

And I want an airplane. A nice one.

I want a National Association for the Advancement of Colored people that recognizes peach as a color...



New Member
Larry Gude said:
...what if they found the life they felt they needed to live in the...G...O...P???

What if they wanted to intern with Rush Limbaugh? What if he cast an eye their way, boy or girl?

I have a sister and brother-in-law that are conservative Republicans...I love them all the same. As for being an intern with Rush, yeah go for it...I love Republicans and Democrats, I'm not some partisan hack.

As for your own children, I don't think that anything deserves them being thrown out. Nothing deserves that; I have always believed that parents unconditionally love regardless of situation. My parents have been like that, and I will be like that.

As for the inquiry as to whether I attend public school...I do; Leonardtown High School.

And about the statement regarding the purpose of college...colleges mostly do not want to train a person solely to go into the workforce. They mostly want to shape your worldview; allow you to think outside the box and the only way to achieve that is to have diversity.

Plus, remember this isn't quotas; race is not the sole determining factor. It is just one factor of many. With so many applicants with so many similiar backgrounds, there are a host of things that need to be taken into consideration.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No you don't....

I love them all the same

...you're just saying that. When they get a flat tire, you stifle a giggle. When you get away with it, you just smile.


I don't think that anything deserves them being thrown out. Nothing deserves that; I have always believed that parents unconditionally love regardless of situation. My parents have been like that, and I will be like that.

That, my fine young man, is hurdle number 1 to parenting. Love IS and MUST be conditional. What's the worst thing you've done? (that your folks know about).

We do not live in a nameless, faceless abyss of moral relativity where all things and all people and all thoughts, words and deeds are as one.

When a child is taught that they will be loved NO MATTER WHAT they are being taught that love is MEANINGLESS.


New Member
[/QUOTE]When a child is taught that they will be loved NO MATTER WHAT they are being taught that love is MEANINGLESS.[/QUOTE]

Are you saying that God's unconditional love for his children, a love so deep that He gave His only son up to die for the lowliest sinner on earth, is MEANINGLESS?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Skeptic said:
Are you saying that God's unconditional love for his children, a love so deep that He gave His only son up to die for the lowliest sinner on earth, is MEANINGLESS?
God's love is obviously conditional or he wouldn't let tsunamis wipe you out. He wouldn't let some stranger rape and kill you when you're 8 years old. He wouldn't send you to Hell for being bad.


vraiblonde said:
God's love is obviously conditional or he wouldn't let tsunamis wipe you out. He wouldn't let some stranger rape and kill you when you're 8 years old. He wouldn't send you to Hell for being bad.

How would you know what bad and evil were in life if everything was good and perfect :shrug:


rraley said:
And about the statement regarding the purpose of college...colleges mostly do not want to train a person solely to go into the workforce. They mostly want to shape your worldview; allow you to think outside the box and the only way to achieve that is to have diversity.
I think you are dead wrong in that "diversity it the ONLY way to "think outside the box". :rolleyes: I think having a college with tenured professors shaping generations of kids "world veiw" is exactly why tenure should be prohibited and crackpots like Ward Churchill should be fired. World veiw should be left to the individual to discern, college should teach you the facts, expose you to arts promote higher level thinking. You get some smoking socialist who teaches outlandish crap and attempt to form students into little America hating communists claiming he promoting diverse thought. I believe BS is BS and no matter how much you claim it is "diverse thought" it is still BS.

I went to college and "open-mindedness" is not racial or enthnicly bound. I learned just as many eye-opening theories from Dr Downs an old school white bread Dr. of economics as I did from Professor Jones or Professor Hernandez.

RR I fear you have been indoctrinated. Assimilated into the liberal Borg. It is easy to do, hell I even gagged on a paper I wrote hearlding the greatness of "diversity" because thats what I HAD to write to maintain my A average. I knew if I wrote what I thought I would be in C land.


rraley said:
Plus, remember this isn't quotas; race is not the sole determining factor. It is just one factor of many. With so many applicants with so many similiar backgrounds, there are a host of things that need to be taken into consideration.
Total Ca ca it IS all about race.


New Member
Pete said:
Total Ca ca it IS all about race.

Have you ever been in an admissions office? Have you been through the application process and studied the application process in the past five years? I've been studying this crap for four years so I could get into a top-notch college; colleges consider race as one of many factors. If they balance race radically (like the University of Michigan system), then it is legally overturned. Simple as that.

I have not been indoctrinated. I have seen the world through my own experience. Discussing AA with a bunch of whities in a government class didn't help me learn. It was a bunch of folks who didn't ever have the experience of being a member of a minority race. If one of those kids, with a a hypothetical 1300 on their SATs, was removed for a minority student with, let's say a 1250 SAT (which is the difference of about five vocab words), I would benefit much more. Ethnic, geographical, and economic backgrounds all must be diverse in order to enjoy a full education experience that teaches how to think.

Pete, what you hit on is completely removed from what we are discussing here. You are referring to a small number of professors (on both sides, economics professors lean conservative, political science professors lean liberal), who abuse their tenure as means for teaching students what to think. That has nothing to do with Affirmative Action.

I know that I am in the minority on this one. Many of my liberal friends even disagree with me, but this is how I see it...Diversity is a compelling reason for balanced Affirmative Action, not quotas.


rraley said:
Have you ever been in an admissions office? Have you been through the application process and studied the application process in the past five years? I've been studying this crap for four years so I could get into a top-notch college; colleges consider race as one of many factors. If they balance race radically (like the University of Michigan system), then it is legally overturned. Simple as that.

I have not been indoctrinated. I have seen the world through my own experience. Discussing AA with a bunch of whities in a government class didn't help me learn. It was a bunch of folks who didn't ever have the experience of being a member of a minority race. If one of those kids, with a a hypothetical 1300 on their SATs, was removed for a minority student with, let's say a 1250 SAT (which is the difference of about five vocab words), I would benefit much more. Ethnic, geographical, and economic backgrounds all must be diverse in order to enjoy a full education experience that teaches how to think.

Pete, what you hit on is completely removed from what we are discussing here. You are referring to a small number of professors (on both sides, economics professors lean conservative, political science professors lean liberal), who abuse their tenure as means for teaching students what to think. That has nothing to do with Affirmative Action.

I know that I am in the minority on this one. Many of my liberal friends even disagree with me, but this is how I see it...Diversity is a compelling reason for balanced Affirmative Action, not quotas.
Was the University of Michgan law school admissions policy overturned? No it was not. 5-4 court split upheld the 6th Circuit Courts decision that quotas (cleverly disguised) are legal.

If affirmative action is so fair why not remove ALL mention of race from applications and let the scores/qualifications speak for themselves. Let everyone be suprised what the class looks like on the first day?

I still contend that "diversity" is still a buzz word made up to justify AA. If your AA teacher / professor is the high brow intellectual he should be he should be teaching you the FACTS form all angles and allow you to develop your own opinion.


New Member
Correction, the University of Michigan AA system was indeed overturned (the law school's system was upheld); the consideration of race as "one factor of many" was upheld. Moderate decision by a court with 7 of its 9 members being appointed by Republicans.

For your information

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If God's love for his children is unconditional...

When a child is taught that they will be loved NO MATTER WHAT they are being taught that love is MEANINGLESS.[/QUOTE]

Are you saying that God's unconditional love for his children, a love so deep that He gave His only son up to die for the lowliest sinner on earth, is MEANINGLESS?[/QUOTE]

...why are there so many behavior handbooks and what is Hell for?

A: Gods love is the MOST conditional. You can always get back in his good graces IF you follow the rules.

Yes? No?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
A: Gods love is the MOST conditional. You can always get back in his good graces IF you follow the rules.

Yes? No?
No. If just "being a good person" or being good earned your way into heaven, then Jesus died for nothing. Christians are not under law, but under grace.


Super Genius
SamSpade said:
No. If just "being a good person" or being good earned your way into heaven, then Jesus died for nothing. Christians are not under law, but under grace.
Ah, but the condition is that you have to believe that Jesus died for your sins. If you don't, you go to Hell. How did this get into a theology discussion?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Ah, but the condition is that you have to believe that Jesus died for your sins. If you don't, you go to Hell. How did this get into a theology discussion?
It started a few posts back with the assertion of God's love as *being* conditional. I dispute that and I understand that being unconditional as being not at all at odds with God also being just - for the very same reason that, to a child, all punishment is just the parent being *MEAN* and who hates their child even though most of the time, it's nothing of the kind. I also raise the point that the whole concept of doing away with the Law, the existence of the New Testament, Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, Law vs. grace and so forth is essential to understanding this concept of God's love.

To designate 'faith' as a condition isn't wholly accurate on two counts - one is, we WERE discussing behavior, and not "logical" conditions (e.g. condition: you must BREATHE in order to live VS. you better do what I *say* if you want to live).

The other is, the concept in the Bible is that Man is born under the sentence of death - if you want a pardon, you must 'accept' it. (The concept of salvation is not so much that God condemns you to hell, but that Man refuses salvation). If I give you free money, it's not yours until you satisfy the "condition" of accepting it. Seems silly, when you look at the language that way. It becomes a word game.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Moving on here...

as being not at all at odds with God also being just

What difference does it make if an unconditional God is 'just' or not?

What difference does it, or should it make if being good gets you into heaven? How can being 'good' be bad?

It seems to me you are stating that that, being good, is not enough, that unless you do X, a condition, Christ died in vain, yes?

As adults are we not in a position to consider our actions, thoughts and beliefs whereas a child is being told what to believe, shown how to act and is in the very process of learning how to think?

I'm not saying being conditional, explicitly so, is bad by any stretch. On the contrary, I see it as absolutely necessary when we're talking about improving or maintaining 'good' human behavior which is optional, unlike eating and breathing and therefore in need of guidance and conditions of some sort for each of us.
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