just cuious
Guess i should have introduced myself back a few weeks ago. Anyways....its bad enough he has to pay child support ehh. That sucks but, if there his kids. It shouldn't be looked at as bad.
But I am not harping here...as far as work. It is always hard to find work specifically what you do. So sometimes ya have to look for other things. I had to move from phily for the work I do.
I work at the TPS as well..by the way. Problem with child care it seems...is you have to be licensed right? Or am I wrong...I am not real sure though. But I would recremend. Telling your husband to post what You want to do I.e. a small flyer type thing with what you do.
list your name, and bunch of stuff....and post them in different places. Credible places mind ya and maybe that will help.