I be


Swinging on Vines
crabcake said:
:yeahthat: it's farrrrr funnier than that stupid "Dude" kid.

and :thewave::clap: to Pete for gittin 'er done and hooked up! :yay:
Actually that kid got arrested for marijuana possession right after he signed a new $$ contract $$ with Dell. :lol:


Football season!
Pete said:
Testing testing, hot tub connection. Hard to read through the steam.
what a way to top of my f'ed up night. A visual of a half naked pete sitting in the hot tub chatting on the forums :lmao:


But wait, there's more...
SmallTown said:
A visual of a half naked pete sitting in the hot tub chatting on the forums :lmao:
:nono: make no mistake about it ... he's as nekkid as the day he was born! I'm sure of it! :lol:


But wait, there's more...
pvineswinger said:
Actually that kid got arrested for marijuana possession right after he signed a new $$ contract $$ with Dell. :lol:
I'm having trouble gathering the energy to act genuinely surprised. :lol: