I can only hope and pray...


Originally posted by Sparx
Arrogant sneering tone aside, what are you telling me? That working in retail is not honest work, for honest pay?

Nice try. You're not the best republican spin doctor are you?

Nice try to you too. I'm not a Republican. Ask anyone here who actually pays attention and gives a rat's ass about anything besides sneering at everyone they come into contact with.

I will not deny that I lean to the right, but I largly try to ignore the little (R) and (D)'s as much as humanly possible, because they addle one's brain. When you begin to focus on the R's and D's, a hive-like behavior occurs, and pretty soon, all you can think about is the little R's and D's.

And I'm not spinning anything, when I said these people had jobs, you're tone was distinctively, "Yeah right... those jobs are worthless".

Am I wrong?

That to me is an elitist, arrogant way of looking at things - and therefore wrong. I think that all forms of employment are respectable and worthy. Even at Walmart. Even at McDonalds. Someone needs to do these jobs.

And for the record - my wife worked at Walmart, not so very long ago. Her benefits were just fine. Most were almost as good as mine, and some were even better (like dental).

She was not in management - she was a 'worker-bee'. After her 90 day probation period, her benefits kicked in, and they were fine. So, I still don't believe any of that :bs: you're spewing up there. Being that I'm familiar with it first hand.

Originally posted by Sparx
I sympathize with any hourly employee working for wal-mart.

Well, I used to be an hourly employee working for minimum wage. (And anyone with that condescending tone offered me their sympathy, I would have told them to shove it you know where.)

Here's the big shocker: With drive and determination I have managed to bite and claw my way into the upper middle class from my lowly McStation in life... I daresay most of these people you sympathize with will do the same.

Furthermore, the work and drive will make them respect and appreciate it all the more.


Originally posted by Toxick
When you begin to focus on the R's and D's, a hive-like behavior occurs, and pretty soon, all you can think about is the little R's and D's.

Does that really happen to people :confused:

j/k :roflmao: