"I can't believe my family left Africa and came to this country" Teresa Heinz Kerry

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
:rolleyes: Not that I care much one way the other about Mikulski, but Ken, you're too intelligent to be assuming that a woman is a lesbian if she's butch-looking.

Remember when Linda Chavez ran against Mikulski in 1986? Chavez called Mikulski a "San Francisco Democrat," which was a coded way of calling her a lesbian. If that had happened between two male candidates, there would have been a fistfight.
Well I have it from a lesbian family member that it is a fact, it has nothing to do with your assumption that I made this statement based on her looks.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Ken King
Well I have it from a lesbian family member that it is a fact, it has nothing to do with your assumption that I made this statement based on her looks.

Thanks for the clarification. Still, doesn't your lesbian family member worry that she might be risking Mikulski's life by talking about it?


"Do you believe that someone who 'lies with someone' of the same sex deserves to be put to death," Furmansky asked the crowd at one point, to which several responded, "Amen."

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Thanks for the clarification. Still, doesn't your lesbian family member worry that she might be risking Mikulski's life by talking about it?

Nope, I doubt that she worries about it at all, nor should she. She lives her life as she does and so does Babs.

I certainly don’t let the feeble thoughts of a few deranged persons dictate how or what I talk about. Those at the LaPlata meeting should be ashamed for claiming that any same-sex marriage provision would violate their religious rights and then turn around and “cheer” for the death of others.