"I can't do that with you."


Im On 1.
Men who say this kill me!!!!!

Anyone else in a serious relationship (married,engaged) experiancing this problem?

They spend years and years having sex with women within a 5 foot radius of their johnson… they get married or in a long term relationship and all of a sudden they don’t wish to experience certain acts with the woman in their life…I'm not talking about extreme things here, I'm talking about simple things, isn’t that backwards to do things with everybody else, but not the one you love??? Then their quick to call women who initiate sex, hoes… or question their sexual freedom…. The whole girlfriend/whore theory is so ridiculous… you don’t want a virgin cuz she’s probably not experienced enough to know your needs and fill them… but you end up with an aggressive woman who's been active for a few years and can take care of you in every way, shape or form and you get a complex… I don’t get it... if your woman enjoys certain things, enjoy them with her without thinking in the back of your head "I wonder how she learned this" or "I wonder who many times she's done this"... the man that's sittin' at home beatin' his meat to online porn everynight cuz his wife is a sexual prude would love to trade places with you... when will men grow up???

[/endvent] :yay:


This is fun right?
Qurious said:
Men who say this kill me!!!!!

Anyone else in a serious relationship (married,engaged) experiancing this problem?

They spend years and years having sex with women within a 5 foot radius of their johnson… they get married or in a long term relationship and all of a sudden they don’t wish to experience certain acts with the woman in their life…I'm not talking about extreme things here, I'm talking about simple things, isn’t that backwards to do things with everybody else, but not the one you love??? Then their quick to call women who initiate sex, hoes… or question their sexual freedom…. The whole girlfriend/whore theory is so ridiculous… you don’t want a virgin cuz she’s probably not experienced enough to know your needs and fill them… but you end up with an aggressive woman who's been active for a few years and can take care of you in every way, shape or form and you get a complex… I don’t get it... if your woman enjoys certain things, enjoy them with her without thinking in the back of your head "I wonder how she learned this" or "I wonder who many times she's done this"... the man that's sittin' at home beatin' his meat to online porn everynight cuz his wife is a sexual prude would love to trade places with you... when will men grow up???

[/endvent] :yay:

Its now explained, you were turned down by Trent Lott weren't you


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
I know what you mean. Otter used to think it was cute when I licked crunchy peanut butter off his feet and now he's all, "Ewww. I hate when the nuts get stuck between my toes. Use creamy." :rolleyes:


Qurious said:
Anyone else in a serious relationship (married,engaged) experiancing this problem?


I've never even heard of this problem.

Qurious said:
they get married or in a long term relationship and all of a sudden they don’t wish to experience certain acts with the woman in their life…I'm not talking about extreme things here, I'm talking about simple things

Can you be a teensy bit more specific?

Are we talking about not taking your women to certain kinds of bars - or are we talking about not wanting to engage in the fine art of bosco-lingus.

Qurious said:
Then their quick to call women who initiate sex, hoes… or question their sexual freedom…. The whole girlfriend/whore theory is so ridiculous… you don’t want a virgin cuz she’s probably not experienced enough to know your needs and fill them… but you end up with an aggressive woman who's been active for a few years and can take care of you in every way, shape or form and you get a complex… I don’t get it... if your woman enjoys certain things, enjoy them with her without thinking in the back of your head "I wonder how she learned this" or "I wonder who many times she's done this"... the man that's sittin' at home beatin' his meat to online porn everynight cuz his wife is a sexual prude would love to trade places with you... when will men grow up???

I think you:

a) Need therapy.
b) Need to date men - as opposed to adolescents in men's bodies.


Lobster Land
Qurious said:
Men who say this kill me!!!!!

Anyone else in a serious relationship (married,engaged) experiancing this problem?

They spend years and years having sex with women within a 5 foot radius of their johnson… they get married or in a long term relationship and all of a sudden they don’t wish to experience certain acts with the woman in their life…I'm not talking about extreme things here, I'm talking about simple things, isn’t that backwards to do things with everybody else, but not the one you love??? Then their quick to call women who initiate sex, hoes… or question their sexual freedom…. The whole girlfriend/whore theory is so ridiculous… you don’t want a virgin cuz she’s probably not experienced enough to know your needs and fill them… but you end up with an aggressive woman who's been active for a few years and can take care of you in every way, shape or form and you get a complex… I don’t get it... if your woman enjoys certain things, enjoy them with her without thinking in the back of your head "I wonder how she learned this" or "I wonder who many times she's done this"... the man that's sittin' at home beatin' his meat to online porn everynight cuz his wife is a sexual prude would love to trade places with you... when will men grow up???

[/endvent] :yay:

I am not in a relationship but give me a call. I will not think bad of you in any way for enjoying certain things. I'll "grow up" as soon as you get here.


Luvin Life !!!

You need a new man honey. I've had mine just over a year and it just gets better and better. He just made a nifty new headboard with hooks for handle grips and securing eachother. Just last night while I was :gossip: with myself he stuck his :whistle: in my :gossip: and I swear to gawd the :whistle: I had was one of the best ever. :wench:


New Member
Tigerlily said:
... Just last night while I was :gossip: with myself he stuck his :whistle: in my :gossip: and I swear to gawd the :whistle: I had was one of the best ever. :wench:

While you were talking, he stuck his whistler in your ear, and made you whistle the best you've ever been able to accomplish in your life? Did it sound like a fire whistle? or were dogs running for miles?

Tigerlily said:
You need a new man honey. I've had mine just over a year and it just gets better and better. He just made a nifty new headboard with hooks for handle grips and securing eachother. Just last night while I was :gossip: with myself he stuck his :whistle: in my :gossip: and I swear to gawd the :whistle: I had was one of the best ever. :wench:


Qurious said:
Men who say this kill me!!!!!

Anyone else in a serious relationship (married,engaged) experiancing this problem?

They spend years and years having sex with women within a 5 foot radius of their johnson… they get married or in a long term relationship and all of a sudden they don’t wish to experience certain acts with the woman in their life…I'm not talking about extreme things here, I'm talking about simple things, isn’t that backwards to do things with everybody else, but not the one you love???
Maybe he finds the smell offensive. :shrug:


Luvin Life !!!
Ponytail said:
While you were talking, he stuck his whistler in your ear, and made you whistle the best you've ever been able to accomplish in your life? Did it sound like a fire whistle? or were dogs running for miles?

:lmao: :huggy: