That’s because all types of cancer aren’t the same just because they’re cancer. Some cancers react better to radiation than others.There's this thing I keep seeing commercials for - (Something)Cure - that cures skin cancer. It's targeted radiation they concentrate on the cancer spot that kills it with no cutting or scarring. And they use the word "cure" several times. So if they can cure skin cancer, why can't this same technique cure other cancers? Or is it just another bullshit scammer trying to part cancer patients from their money?
A lot of people seem to think cancer is cancer and its name a certain way due to its location. I thought the same before I got hit with cancer (I’ve had 3 different types now, all before I was 30 lmao). Take Lance Armstrong for example. He had testicular cancer and it spread to his brain and lungs. That doesn’t mean he has testicular, brain and lung cancer. It means he has testicular cancer. Testicular cancer responds really well to radiation and chemo; brain and lung cancer don’t respond as well. Some skin cancer responds really well to radiation. Some skin cancer is slow spreading and you can knock it put with just a mohs surgery.
Side note (and probably why I’ve been hit three times so far) - everyone has their own natural defenses against cancer. If you’ve had cancer before, you’re more susceptible to a different unrelated type of cancer than someone who has never had cancer before because your defenses aren’t as good.