I did not completely hate Tom Brady before


Sorry Pete, I dont buy you complaint.
You DO like him..look at how much space he is taking up in your head 12 hours after the game!
If you didn't care or were not envious of him..why post all this?
You put a lot of time and energy not liking him!!

(PS: when was the last time you walked in his shoes to know how he felt?)

Just saying..ya know...:coffee:
I'm not selling anything, I am just telling it.

When was the last time I won 3 super bowls, banged an endless line of smoking women, made more money than Warren Buffet's secretary, lived in a $20M house, had the press lick my ass crack daily and want to dab my tears with a silk hanky over the seemingly insufferable hurt of loosing a football game which on previous occasions I won 3 times and got the rings for it while I pout like a biatch?

You are right, I have never walked a mile in his shoes. It must be gut wrenching for him. I suspect it will ruin his life and in a year or so 60 Minutes will be doing an expose' about Tom, a broken and defeated man, shaggy beard, tattered clothes living in his car under an overpass in Braintree Mass hooked on Dayquil and Meth, his teeth rotted out, his body broken.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
:yeahthat: Nothing special about him at all... On the other hand, I found David Beckham to be quite beautiful. :smile:

You know, I look just David Beckham ...

without the tattoos, hair, mad soccer skills and ridiculous lack of body fat.:yay:


Giselle blamed his teammates. Said that Tom can't throw and catch the ball at the same time and couldn't understand why his teammates dropped so many balls.

Jimmy Fallon last night joked "The Patriots played a great game, you gotta hand it to them...because you can't pass it to them" :jet:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not selling anything, I am just telling it.

When was the last time I won 3 super bowls, banged an endless line of smoking women, made more money than Warren Buffet's secretary, lived in a $20M house, had the press lick my ass crack daily and want to dab my tears with a silk hanky over the seemingly insufferable hurt of loosing a football game which on previous occasions I won 3 times and got the rings for it while I pout like a biatch?

You are right, I have never walked a mile in his shoes. It must be gut wrenching for him. I suspect it will ruin his life and in a year or so 60 Minutes will be doing an expose' about Tom, a broken and defeated man, shaggy beard, tattered clothes living in his car under an overpass in Braintree Mass hooked on Dayquil and Meth, his teeth rotted out, his body broken.

Okay, so you ARE jealous of Tom Brady.

On another note, why do men fixate on having sex with gorgeous strangers? Do they assume it will be wonderful and everything they ever dreamed of just because she's physically attractive? Not taking into consideration that she may be a self-absorbed dunce who just lays there. Or that she may just flat out be a beyotch who will emasculate you until your winky crawls inside your abdomen to get away.

Do women do that, too, and I'm the only idiot who has no desire to screw some random model or actor?


Okay, so you ARE jealous of Tom Brady.

On another note, why do men fixate on having sex with gorgeous strangers? Do they assume it will be wonderful and everything they ever dreamed of just because she's physically attractive? Not taking into consideration that she may be a self-absorbed dunce who just lays there. Or that she may just flat out be a beyotch who will emasculate you until your winky crawls inside your abdomen to get away.

Do women do that, too, and I'm the only idiot who has no desire to screw some random model or actor?

Maybe a little but not much. What is irritating is he is WILDLY successful and fortunate, looks, money, attractive, athletic, skilled, wealthy, basically a rockstar with a gold filled life playing a game, that he had previously conquored not just once, but three times, in 5 trips and he wants to mope and get booboo lip. Puleeeze. He has bee to 5 super bowls, surrounded by talent provided by a gracious owner and he is pouting and playing to the press this pitifully sad crushed man.

That is why I hate him. I mentioned the hot filthy rich wife and previous gf to amplify how charmed his life is. I might be odd but Gisselle doesnt do a thing for me, Moynehan however :hot:

Now if he had struggled on crappy teams, never been to a super bowl, had languaged in the CFL or this was his last season and he was going to retire having never had a shot at the golden ring, sure pout a little then go out and do the interview "Yea it stinks, we tried but you know what I am just thankful I got to play this game and I am well off" and smiled and waved, then i could be sympathetic
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Tom Brady is a weenie and I'm glad his team lost. :yahoo: And his poor viddle voman is a weenie lover & I'm glad her weenie husband's team lost.

So there. :biggrin:


Active Member
I heard they are not too happy with Giesel up in Boston. Someone even made a 'Yoko' reference about her.


A Salute to all on Watch
Okay, so you ARE jealous of Tom Brady.

On another note, why do men fixate on having sex with gorgeous strangers? ......

With the gorgeous stranger we don't have the "voice" in our fantasies, it's like a blissful silent film of nastiness :starcat: