I don't even know how to title this one


Well-Known Member
There's probably a long list of such posts.

So, Tiffany A. Henyard became the first (and youngest) woman to become mayor of Dolton, IL. Since then, she has been investigated by the FBI (I haven't seen a followup on that, yet), removed from the village's bank account and ordered to repay the money she spent back to the trustees. Included in the money she spent (presumably): hiring a man who did 25 years in prison for the brutal beating and sexual assault of two teenagers. He was 15 at the time; his victim was 14. You'll see in the video that it was a group activity and there were two victims.

Apparently, the village (so racist) didn't bother to ask some basic questions, such as "what was your last job, and what makes you qualified to become mayor?" So racist to ask things like that.

See also:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm more interested in the demographic makeup of Dolton IL that she got elected freaking Mayor.

As I suspected, it's a ghetto suburb of the ghetto that is Chicago.

She was elected by her peers.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I wish Democrats would stop electing illiterate ghetto dipshits like this. There are any number of intelligent and accomplished black people they could promote, but of course those black candidates are all Republicans so that's probably why.

The Tiffany Henyards and Sheila Jackson "Ugh" Lees don't make me think less of black people, they make me think less (if that's even possible) of Democrats.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
When you have a region SO LOPSIDEDLY Democrat - or any one party - the election is won in the primary.

Did you wonder why David Trone is bombarding the airwaves in his run for Senator in Maryland? Because the general election is for show - no Republican is EVER GOING TO WIN. So he is campaigning for the nomination.

When you DO have one party control - you have an almost certainty that people advance due to deals and patrons. Read about Obama's rise to power in the state Senate and then, on to the Senate.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
?? I answered my question - he just needs to win the nomination, which is in the spring. When you're running for the party nominee - NOW is the time you campaign. Maryland hasn't voted for a Republican Senator in 35 years, and hasn't voted for a NEW one in over 50. Glenn Beall Jr. was beaten by the largest margin ever seen in Maryland.

Short version - the primary IS the election, in Maryland.


PREMO Member

I don't watch much TV these days, nor listen to the car radio ... I have no clue who this guy is