I dont want to concern you but,,,,,,


In My Opinion
Ok, so Im going to a new cardiologist because I didnt like the old one.
Had a stent put in 4 years ago and have not really kept up on the meds like I should have been,, ok, I quit the meds on my own.
so, yesterday I go to my doctor (family type) to get a referal to see the new cardiologist personage.
he does all the normal stuff, by the way, blood pressure was 120 over 70 without meds. not bad.

anyway, he has the nurse lady shave my boobs and put the sticky things on so he can get the squiggle lines from the machine.

he says, when is your appointment with the cardiologist?
I tell him on the the 29th.

he picks up the phone, calls the cardiologist and has the appointment changed to tomorrow morning...
then says to me,, I dont want to concern you but,,, I think it might be a good idea to see him sooner,, :jameo:

on the up side, he told me not to take the garbage out till after I see him..

should I be concerned?
Don't sweat it... I'm thinking he just wants you to see the cardiologist before the hair grows back...:huggy:


Well-Known Member
Ok, so Im going to a new cardiologist because I didnt like the old one.
Had a stent put in 4 years ago and have not really kept up on the meds like I should have been,, ok, I quit the meds on my own.
so, yesterday I go to my doctor (family type) to get a referal to see the new cardiologist personage.
he does all the normal stuff, by the way, blood pressure was 120 over 70 without meds. not bad.

anyway, he has the nurse lady shave my boobs and put the sticky things on so he can get the squiggle lines from the machine.

he says, when is your appointment with the cardiologist?
I tell him on the the 29th.

he picks up the phone, calls the cardiologist and has the appointment changed to tomorrow morning...
then says to me,, I dont want to concern you but,,, I think it might be a good idea to see him sooner,, :jameo:

on the up side, he told me not to take the garbage out till after I see him..

should I be concerned?

No but pan lady should make sure the insurance payments are up to date

good luck at the doctors office


In My Opinion
Don't sweat it... I'm thinking he just wants you to see the cardiologist before the hair grows back...:huggy:
thats what I figure.
they shaved the right side
they shaved the left side

I got a mohawk on my chest

gonna dye it pink


Watch it
Ok, so Im going to a new cardiologist because I didnt like the old one.
Had a stent put in 4 years ago and have not really kept up on the meds like I should have been,, ok, I quit the meds on my own.
so, yesterday I go to my doctor (family type) to get a referal to see the new cardiologist personage.
he does all the normal stuff, by the way, blood pressure was 120 over 70 without meds. not bad.

anyway, he has the nurse lady shave my boobs and put the sticky things on so he can get the squiggle lines from the machine.

he says, when is your appointment with the cardiologist?
I tell him on the the 29th.

he picks up the phone, calls the cardiologist and has the appointment changed to tomorrow morning...
then says to me,, I dont want to concern you but,,, I think it might be a good idea to see him sooner,, :jameo:

on the up side, he told me not to take the garbage out till after I see him..

should I be concerned?

First, let me be the meany and say that you should have your butt kicked for dropping the meds without at least letting them know. :huggy:

Those "squiggly lines" may have shown a pattern that he found "abnormal" for a rhythm, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything awful (if it was awful, he would have acted right that moment). If there is one thing that doctors will ALWAYS be overcautious about and jump to the "oh no" side, it is with your heart. Been there before! Try not to worry- it is tomorrow and you can get it over with and sleep easier. I'm glad you have a doc that is precautious...usually it's the other way around!

Give an update tomorrow if you can!


New Member
Ok, so Im going to a new cardiologist because I didnt like the old one.
Had a stent put in 4 years ago and have not really kept up on the meds like I should have been,, ok, I quit the meds on my own.
so, yesterday I go to my doctor (family type) to get a referal to see the new cardiologist personage.
he does all the normal stuff, by the way, blood pressure was 120 over 70 without meds. not bad.

anyway, he has the nurse lady shave my boobs and put the sticky things on so he can get the squiggle lines from the machine.

he says, when is your appointment with the cardiologist?
I tell him on the the 29th.

he picks up the phone, calls the cardiologist and has the appointment changed to tomorrow morning...
then says to me,, I dont want to concern you but,,, I think it might be a good idea to see him sooner,, :jameo:

on the up side, he told me not to take the garbage out till after I see him..

should I be concerned?

i know i would be.

BTW, i had a stent put in about a year and a half ago, had an echo yesterday and everything was fine. I am only on cholesterol meds now.

last time my dr said "i dont want to concern you..."

she followed it with " i think you are having a heart attack right now"

so i might be a little jaded.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so Im going to a new cardiologist because I didnt like the old one.
Had a stent put in 4 years ago and have not really kept up on the meds like I should have been,, ok, I quit the meds on my own.
so, yesterday I go to my doctor (family type) to get a referal to see the new cardiologist personage.
he does all the normal stuff, by the way, blood pressure was 120 over 70 without meds. not bad.

anyway, he has the nurse lady shave my boobs and put the sticky things on so he can get the squiggle lines from the machine.

he says, when is your appointment with the cardiologist?
I tell him on the the 29th.

he picks up the phone, calls the cardiologist and has the appointment changed to tomorrow morning...
then says to me,, I dont want to concern you but,,, I think it might be a good idea to see him sooner,, :jameo:

on the up side, he told me not to take the garbage out till after I see him..

should I be concerned?

I will say prays for you tonight :huggy:


Bcp, as I agree it's probably nothing to be concerned about, but what were you thinking going off your meds before consulting with the doctor??? This is the organ that keeps you alive, why would you go and mess with that? MEN!! I swear!! :buttkick:

:huggy: I'm sure you fine, but do what the docs tell you to do.


BCP? :buttkick: for stopping the meds.

I'll be thinking about you tomorrow morning. :huggy:


Happy Camper
BCP, I agree with Jenbengen. Don't think the Doc would have let you go home if it was anything life-threatening... They would have loaded your butt up in an ambulance and you would have been spending the night in the comfort of a loud, noisy hospital. Good luck with your appointment tomorrow! Hope all goes well and I will keep you in my thoughts. :huggy:

P.S. Tell Pan Lady to give you an extra bop on the head for stopping your meds.


BCP, you have so much love and support on your side! This will all be ok bubba. :huggy:


In My Opinion
ok, here is where it stands.
I have new drugs. yes, already filled and started thank you very much.

the doc is making me keep nitro with me .4mg or something like that.

I have to go back to get a 48 hour monitor thing put on. I have to get a sonogram of my arteries in my neck, and the arteries in my abdomen, suspects an anurism (sp) or something.

I also have to have a stress test, but due to my foot issue, it is a chemically induced stress test. ( not sure about this, will explain later)

other than that, Im not supposed to do any lifting or anything until then.. Like thats an issue with my lazy ass.